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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Dims

  1. Huge fan. He's running out of material now though. I recommend the "prehistory of the Far Side" if you can't get enough of Larson. Explains the start of The Far Side and a great collection of his best......and much more
  2. Loved "The meatrix" with moofeus on that website Miz
  3. And don't even get me started on "little man approaching 40 still with a ponytail" syndrome. These guys are the worst! In the words of monty python "Short people got......... no reason"
  4. Mine has turned switchable. When talking to Japanese workmates I talk slowly and delibrately losing most if not all of my aussie accent. When I talk to mates it's full on Oz accent all the way mate. I have an aussie guy at work and when we are all discussing things in slow english I am understood perfectly till I turn to the aussie and start the accent (still speaking slowly), then warkarimasen? Cracks us up! And db, there is a touch of mozzie about the way you talk mate, now you menion it! Where the aeroguard? db's coming round .
  5. Hang on Barok, What about fish farms and free range chickens? And this raises an interesting point that I love to challange preachy in-my-face vegetarians with (no not you Barok). Why is it alright to murder and eat plants (sometimes while still living ) but not animals? I am currently doing a postdoc here in Japan studying plant hormone physiology and I am amazed on a daily basis just how "alive" and responsive to stimulus plants are. It is also amazing just how many chemicals and proteins/receptors are common or at least homologous in both plants and animals. So here's the c
  6. Intelligence really annoys some people to the point of wanting to "knock the smart arse down a peg or two". So show a decent vocab, a sharp wit or some sarcasm in some circles and that can get you into trouble with the neanderthal brigade. I have managed to avoid conflict pretty well except for two occasions where it was a case of wrong place wrong time, and I paid the price. Generally I find if you don't look for it it won't find you, but I have had some trouble due to having good looking girlfriends or being seen to have too much fun. Maybe just an australian thing? Barok is a fist magn
  7. Well what a suprise First the snog and now a joint single. I guess that kiss was totally unplanned........riiiiiight! (Sarcasm marketing ploy detector goes right off the scale)
  8. It was a weird one, long, gentle and circular
  9. Yes but what about her early nineties hair miz? Still cutting edge, less boof, but very fetching. Fine Aussie publications such a Woman's weekly and New idea would wax lyrical about her early nineties hair for several pages a week. I think the tabloid press were really pissed of she died, rudely giving them nothing to write about till Jen and Ben came on the scene.
  10. I heard that she was actually the fruit of the loins of Satan, bathed in the blood of slain virgins and used to rape small cute furry animals in her spare time. I read it on the internet so it must be true She used to eat roast swan as well, oh no sorry that was the queen mother, god bless her pissed, senile, crabby old soul. I love the royals!
  11. The botanical definitions are consise, elegant and perfectly understandable. The others are a load of cobblers! Then again, as one who studies plants perhaps I am a bit biased....
  12. Personally I think there will always be seperate markets for both cigars and juicy fat fresh joints. Can I say that while I have had a great time puffing the billy over the last ten years or so, and met many wonderful people while doing so, it does tend to hamper your ability to concentrate on one task for a solid period of time, and trashes your short term memory..........hang on, what was I just talking about? Everything in moderation, otherwise it can get mentally habitual and just take over your life.
  13. Ah good to see some sk8ers on here. Basicaly I have been skating on and off (mainly on) for about 15 years, starting from the late dogtown/early Vision days right through till now. Lost a bit of interest during the small wheel period of 91-93 when things got a bit super-technical and flippy but up until moving to Japan was still into street skating. It's a great sport but much kinder on the bod if you are a bit younger. My only advice to those learning is to totally relax while you are skating and learn to bail and roll without stiffening up. It much harder to get hurt that way, although you w
  14. Ocean, Quote: it's always colonials who say crap like this... Jesus man, next you'll be using "the antipodes". English always sound like such complete ****s when they start pulling out these freshly minted sayings. Let it go.
  15. Ocean, Quote: it's always colonials who say crap like this... Jesus man, next you'll be using "the antipodes". English always sound like such complete ****s when they start pulling out these freshly minted sayings. Let it go.
  16. Whaaaaat! Nice one mate. Can you ride?
  17. Actually I need to have a good hard look at myself as most of my club outings were also based on or under the deliciously camp Oxford street when I was in Sydney. And where would you be without Brut 33..........probally smelling a damn sight better that;s for sure. Horrible stuff yer dear old granny keep giving you for Christmas.
  18. Duely smoked city slickster Not sure what the furno count was on that one tho (Danz MisterS?). Not sure if I had the right combustion ratio. Perhaps you can give me a few pointers Mr Thermodynamics.
  19. Hmmmmm, Pink shirt, shiny shoes, man purse and now an extensive collection of manly fragrances, with the transparent excuse of Duty free boredom. I am beginning to have my suspitions about you db. Sure most of your sydney clubbing wasn't done on Oxford street? C'mon, out of the closet you come.
  20. Well I have been following the development of this game for over a year with much interest. Liquid X, where did you get a chance to play this game in Tokyo? I looked on amazon and its not avaiable in Japan till the middle of December. I am super keen to get a Japanese PS2 now, just to get this game but I am worried about the amount of kanji contained in the game, i.e BIG challenges explained in kanji rather than english. If I can have a look at the game then I can make a decision. Yes I know the Xbox is superior in graphics but I want to sell the console when I leave in a year's time. Please
  21. Epicentre was NW chiba apparently! Now that's close
  22. After just spending a week of my time re-writing a fellow researchers' paper to a level acceptable for a top international science journal, I am now after an engrish (Japlish) to english translation software package. Now how much would that one cost I wonder?
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