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Everything posted by jared

  1. Maby her boss found out how much time she was wasting playing on the internet.
  2. the feeling you get after you just did something that scared you alot and didnt hurt yourself in the process- a big drop - going upside down (the first few times) - a hard rail - or going real fast. sometimes it makes your hands shake.
  3. I was onece told that the Seico mart at Hirafu was the buisest one in Hokkaido
  4. well - we now have an answer for the "what happens if you just say no" thread that was hanging around a while back.
  5. responce times (button push till photo take) suck on my pentax optio 330rs - good everything elece though - just hard to time action shots
  6. I assure you its not a secret and if you dont get there early youll miss out
  7. sit on the bottom hanazono lift and think where would be a good place to ski??
  8. Im in fact a hobbit (why do you think LOTR was filmed in NZ (lots of extras))and therefore require breackfast - seccond breakfast - 11sies - lunch and so on - most of these meals can be consumed on the lift.
  9. ha ha ha this place is full of eng teachers but no one wants to admit it!!! im one and so it my wife and its much better that Survying or trying to Teach in a decile 1 school in NZ. so come on fess up who's a teacher!!
  10. dont expect them to be much cheaper here. the batt doesnt last long in the cold.
  11. Dont think like that - If it doesnt snow then the mtn will get alittle tracked and hits will form, they are fun - and you can ride the park - almost better than pow when everything goes right.
  12. there is not often a choice - if its a deep pow day then the speedy groomers are ruled out as is (possibly) the park: If there is no pow then you prob need to ski some groomers to get to the park to do some tricks - thats why skiings great - its all fun.
  13. I can see why ppl get dissapointed with all the hype surrounding the place I would say almost nowhere in the wourld could get hyped that much and deliver - I also wouldent consider annapuri and higashiama worth visiting on a trip less than 2 weeks long - head straight for hirafu/alpen/hanazono. Better luck next time!
  14. tell me - what would you like them to do - become like a petrol station attendant and guide you to the take off area and shout greetings and good byes for the sake of being heard by their boss so they dont get in trouble. as long as the lift is going i'm happy
  15. did you know? jumping off lifts for fun on a pow day will get you thrown off a resort..
  16. its what good skiing is all about - when you ski you shouldent do dog turns which go wooof wooof wooof - you should try and carve more and link your turns and go meeew meeew meew. I dont know how that works in japan where dogs make a wan wan sound and I dont know j onamatapea for cats.
  17. I thourght thats just what happens when you hit 130 years old -my theory is we never see anyone at home like that cos we dont live that long and if we do we give up walking outside about 75.
  18. Aussies, NZers, Brits and Canadians all love to hate Americans - But my current Americans friends dont fit the Sterieotype - there are always so many exceptions to every generilisation. Why dont Americans know about Geography?
  19. As I have only been to 4 I'll have to jump on the bandwaggon and say Niseko Hirafu, Hopefully after this weekend that will be replaced by Hakkoda - well see.
  20. 7's, 9's and 12's swich 5's and 7's Rodio 3's, 5's, 7's to start with I can finally start practicing as Geto built a small table - too small for most of that stuff but it's a start.
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