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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by nagpants

  1. People tell me I am. They don't know what it means. Neither do I.
  2. Do Japanese parents give Christmas presents AND otoshidama?
  3. Ikanoshiokara is just dreadful - that pink stuff right? I get queasy when the talk of raw eggs starts.
  4. That sounds like a whole lot of fun. Not. What is your speciality badmigraine?
  5. Warm sunny day when there is no trace of snow on any of the ski lifts.....they brush them all off, even though there is no snow..... = Good idea, Siren??
  6. Get bored of the same every time? Like - once a year?!? I look(ed) forward to it. Once a year for a big turkey dinner not enough.
  7. Sorry to hear about the dent. I got some DVDs sent over and drunk.
  8. I think I'll give that a miss..........
  9. A welcome change from all the "best of" lists at the end of a year here: http://www.playlouder.com/feature/+shitlist2003/
  10. Has the main one last night. It was fun actually, especially since there was a huge amount of beer going nomihodai. I managed to keep away from the idiot older guys who I have to work with too and spent quite a bit of time with the younger female type. I think one of them really likes me too - always a bonus. So I like bonenkais today
  11. Hey, given the choice I'd always have a nice expensive holiday - that seems like a no-brainer to me. Just not possible lots of the time.
  12. I was originally hoping to this weekend, but decided against it. Unless things change drastically in the next 24 hours. Maybe the weekend after.
  13. I went there a few times too. Pity, that.
  14. Which are the "worst", NZers or Welshies?
  15. Shinnenkai are the pits. At least with bonenkai, its festive season and the end of the year blah blah. But with shinnenkai, its just like "what is the purpose of this"? Oh yeah, right, to "get together so we can start the year working together well and forming human relationships"
  16. Out and out loud, or are they trying to keep the volume down?
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