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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by nagpants

  1. You just watch... this guy will come on here soon and post another prediction - completely disregarding this recent total failure and asking us to "just see" with his new prediction. Hey rahul?
  2. Do you know what kind of cheese was used rach?
  3. Yes yes yes. I am messy. But cleaning is the job of the woman. I try to keep it in control, but she can cope. It's her job so she has to!
  4. I have a hi-tech solution that does not involve cheese...... SLEEP! I know the first few days I'll be tired so don't plan anything much and take a lot of rest. Feels good!
  5. I don't think there's a song I like that has plinking xylophones.
  6. She knows the purpose of the digicam is to produce home-made porn, right?
  7. I have no idea where this comes from (apart from a friend) but it made me chuckle ---- To my farty boss and his bowels. I hear you. I hear you in there. I hear you farting. Shifting in your leather chair. Trying to muffle your bodily noises in your vibrating chair pad (which is creepy enough). Worse: I smell you. The first day you did this, I thought someone had burned a Lean Cuisine Salisbury Steak in the microwave. The second day, I stupidly asked you if you smelled "that vile odor". You blushed and said, "I have this little problem when I am str
  8. I haven't been in an arcade for ages. Walking the dog game? How does that one work?!
  9. I enjoyed watching that to, quite funny it was.
  10. Working overtime to be able to buy a PS3? Speaking to Japanese economic website Toyo Keizai, he stated that Sony’s aim for PS3 is “for consumers to think to themselves ‘I will work more hours to buy one’. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.”
  11. I've read a bit about party place Ibiza, anyone on here been with first hand accounts of what it's really like?
  12. I was in Matsumoto today and it was seriously hot. I don't know how hot, but I reckon it must have been around 35. Not a good sign seeing as though we're still in June!
  13. What are you planning to do over there connackers? I'd love to be able to do that.
  14. Good. The link about has whats on them. The show itself is of course worth the buy in itself. I like the Simpsons ones too, great stuff.
  15. There just doesn't seem to be much variety with Belgian beers. The ones I've had were nice but I didn't think they were anything particularly special.
  16. Perhaps Apple might install the far superior Windows on their machines as well, at last.
  17. Is it true that there's going to be a stadium full of idiots, er, sorry, supporters, in some Tokyo stadium tonight?
  18. Whats this dude/ette saying about the crows? 初めて書き込みさせていただきます。(パソコン 351;って書き込みするのも初めてです) 最近いつもと違うな?と感じることがあります。 空に地震雲と見られるものが多く夕焼けも赤っぽ 356;です。 私は伊勢市に住んでいるのですが実家のある志摩 398;ほうではセミが鳴いていて伊勢では鳴いていませ ん。 最近の夜は虫や蛙の鳴き声がすごいのですが昨日 399;鳴いていませんでした(これは少し寒くなったせ いかな? そして昨日はカラスの行動が少しおかしかったで 377;。 くちばしを何回も電線に擦り付けるのです。 行ってしまったなぁと思ってもまた戻ってきて何 238;も擦り付けていました。 少し前コウモリがたくさん飛んでいたけど昨日は# 211;かけていません。 そしてたまに聞こえる地鳴りのような音 親が漁師なのですが一昨日の水揚げは少ないです 397;。 というか昨年から海の様子おかしいみたいなので 377;が・・・魚はあまり釣れてないですね 鰹にいたってはかなり漁場は遠いようです。(鯨 420;イルカは沖でよく見かけるようです) 長々書いてしまってすみません。 あまりにも気になって書き込みしてしまいました 290;
  19. That's how many mainly middle-aged Japanese women went (all together!) on some Yon-sama tour to South Korea recently, some kind of filming he was doing for a new movie. It was on the news last night. In the same piece they were appauled at the fact that some South Korea restaurants now have signs outside saying "No Japanese admitted" (because of the squabbles over that island). Everyone seemed horrified that such a thing could happen. They didn't mention of course the "No Gaijin" signs that can sometimes be found here....
  20. Actually I've just taken a look for around the time of the Fukuoka quake on that map page and it seems to be completely clear most of the time - both in the days leading up to the quake and after.
  21. What is that then, I can read "Noise Map"? It would be interesting to see one for just before a big earthquake.
  22. I know there's posts of Toque and Fattwins etc adventures in Nagano/Toyama etc (very interesting guys). Is there anything comparable up in Hokkaido?
  23. I was there at the weekend but didn't take the lift to the top. It was more a meet friend/take an onsen day - just didn't feel like it, very very spring over there almost hard to believe there was snow up top (there is of course)
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