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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by nori-chan

  1. Blast stereo when watching movie? I'm confusing now.
  2. I think we should respect old people. We will all be old in later years.
  3. I saw movie last night and it had, I think name is drive-in movie. People watching movie from inside car outdoors. It looked very interesting idea. Is there still like this drive in theater, or now finished?
  4. Do you like London Hearts? They are sometimes very funny I think.
  5. I usually get up about 7am but feel like awake about 10am.
  6. Hello I hear this phrase and read a description of it but cannot get nuance meaning. Why do people ask it? And what does answer really mean? Can anyone explain it to me? Thank you
  7. I love animals. Do you? I wonder - sometimes I hear animal called "him" or "her", not "it". When is animal called "him/her" and when is it called "it"? I hope it make sense
  8. My friend had second abortion last week. She is not married but I think not careful and makes me sad. What about it in foreign country? Many people do or many people against it? nori
  9. Do you think male is subset of "female".
  10. When I was younger I liked the McDs, not so recently
  11. I do not have enough time and always looking at clock.
  12. I studied for short time politics at college. I am interested to know if any of you here know about Japanese politics at all? nori
  13. Do you go to enkai with workmate? I hate it, but many time I feel must go. With friend is different and fun, but I dont like go to party with obligation.
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