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Everything posted by Thunderbird2

  1. Back to normal tomorrow then! I much prefer taking my own holidays than these long weekends when everywhere's mad crowded.
  2. Can't stick running myself. Need to buy a bike. Enjoy swimming when it's not busy. Do not enjoy when it is crowded!
  3. Phwoarr. Sometimes wouldn't it just be great to have tons of cash and not know what to do with it.
  4. Only took about 5 minutes for me. Needed to fill in a simple form, hand over passport/current card/photo. That was it. Kind of surprised we didn't get charged for it. Wot no re-entry taxes !!
  5. So others dont make the same mistakes???? Don't go out of the gates when you're not supposed to. Simple. It may well be the case and as simple as that for these two fatalities. But if that is the case then many will dismiss these incidents as not applying to them as long as they go through the gates. My guess is that many will dismiss these incidents as not applying to them..... WHATEVER. Shit only happens to other people.
  6. Remember to get another lot going once you bottle the first lot, otherwise there'll be this big gap. Keep it brewing!
  7. I just watched a bit of 'Wheelchair Rugby'. It was... strange. And didn't look anything like rugby.
  8. There's a decent chance that there will be an earthquake in Japan around 9pm actually. (Every day).
  9. If the Olympic flame is extinguished tonight, does it get re-lit for the Paraolympics?
  10. I was only reading about how the national anthems and flags systems was "foolproof" - because it's such a sensitive issue - last week.
  11. Got myself booked in at Hakuba on 2nd February for 6 nights. Other than that, will be sorted just before it happens.
  12. Mine came last week too. This year going to pay it off bit by bit because I want to send a chunk of money home with the exchange rates still good at the moment.
  13. I've been listening to some Faithless recently, really like some of their stuff. And Massive Attack.
  14. They really don't make stuff like this easy to understand do they. I'm still not grasping the concept there.
  15. I won Minamiuonuma tickets - thanks SJ - and wondering whether to go here or to Maiko or Hakkai. Both Maiko and here look great and never been. Thanks for showing us all these fantastic images muikabochi-san.
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