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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by griller

  1. I have been learning it - didn't have much choice- over the last week or so. I don't mind it at all once I got rid of lots of those useless tiles on the main page. The desktop and those tiles seems somewhat awkward but there's things to like about it too. It might just be the newer computer but it does seem much faster.
  2. If Tokyo wins the 2020 Olympics, can we expect some further celebratory price rises?
  3. So, are you: - in Cornwall, or UK Or - got some sent?
  4. I do love the look of some of that heavy pottery. Heavy prices too, surprised you got those sinks so 'cheap', mr wiggles! How big is that piece rach?
  5. Like the smell in spite of it reminding me of summer!
  6. Interesting idea that, bet not many people do it.
  7. I'm imagining you as this when typing in that last post, snow duded Good that they'll get it sorted!
  8. New fun dipstick quote from Ishihara 東京の五輪招致を打ち出した前都知事で日本維新の会の石原共同代表は7日、福島第一原発の汚染水問題がクローズアップされていることについて報道陣に対し、「被曝ひばく体験のない外国人は放射能について非常にナーバス(神経質)になっている。ハンディキャップになっている」と語った。
  9. I'm no translator but I've been asked by a friend to do a bit for their business. Problem I am having is that the Japanese they use is all hoity-toity, hairy-fairy, flowery Japanese that is all no meaning and just nice words. How on earth do you translate something like that? Best to just dump that and re-write in English with the main points they are perhaps trying to convey? Nihongo muzukashii desu ne.
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