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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by griller

  1. Nintendo calling their new Wii controller the WiiPad. Taking the piss!
  2. Gero Onsen? Shirakawako or wherever those little thatched cottages are?
  3. Totally don't know that one. Have you been there, snowjunky?
  4. Will be interesting to see what Arnie has to say....
  5. Looks a right mess. But they promise it would still be ok with a Shindo 6 quake.
  6. Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 video on news now......
  7. Todays Yomiuri Cecium in Tokyo Bay? 文部科学省は22日、東京湾の海水の放射性物質の測定結果を初めて公表した。 川崎港の東側の湾中央部の海水を調べた結果、セシウム134が海水1リットルあたり0・0065ベクレル、セシウム137が同0・0098ベクレルで、海水浴場開設の基準となる同50ベクレルを大幅に下回った。  半減期が約2年と短いセシウム134が検出されたため、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故が影響しているとみられる。  今年3月に改定された政府の「総合モニタリング計画」で、様々な河川が集まる東京湾へ土壌に付いたセシウムが移動する可能性が指摘され、東京湾の海水が新たな調査対象となった。 (2012年5月22日18時51分読売新聞)
  8. Here's some "Ken" for our amusement. As someone else says, does the guy actually think before he speaks/writes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3S0_7xKOIc
  9. I sort of recall seeing something on the news last week where they were saying Kansai might be over 10% under supplied.
  10. My gf watches that, as well as The Voice. That one is more interesting I reckon with the coaches competing.
  11. Definitely. Get a simple grab bag in the genkan too. Just in case.
  12. Looks like they climbed up that mountain of snow in the corner.
  13. Nikko is one of my bestest places to visit. So pretty could spend all day walking round there along with Kegon and Chuzenjiko. Lovely.
  14. Looks like it is coming from the US, so would think they are sending them air mail.
  15. I just got the email below. What do you reckon? Cancel this order I didn't make or just wait for the pizzas to show up and scoff 'em?
  16. Give up on your challenge, MO. I'm just too goddam young!
  17. You must be at least half that though surely
  18. When is this Wii U one coming out then? Seems an age ago when they announced that? Are we any closer to new Xboxes and Playstations as well? Oh so many questions.
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