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Everything posted by BagOfCrisps

  1. Whats all this "winter food", "summer food", "spring food" lark then?
  2. So thats the famous fish that kills people who eat it right? Do people actually die or is that just a folklore story?
  3. Cheers mate. Interesting. Did people really have that much money in this "bubble" or whatever it was called?
  4. One of the cool things about this place is that the talk on here generally is really interesting and there's not much of the rubbish that goes on in most internet forums. It would be a shame if that were to change.
  5. Don't really get that post Ocean11, but hey - can't speak the lingo. They're trying to get more of us Brits over to Europe this year with loads of ads and stuff - for the most part snowboarding. Hardly see much skiing around in the ads now.
  6. Ha! Anyone remember that Bond flick beginning, I think it was the Spy Who Loved Me. Awesome jump
  7. Just don't let that scouser scally get his eyes on your gear - no offense meant scouser
  8. This place seems to get loads of coverage. I'm intrigued if it really is that good or not....
  9. Stink bugs? Sounds charming. Get many creepy-crawlies over there then?
  10. enderzero What do you mean? I'm not 2pints,mate - thank the lord! He's me best mate, but I'd rather be me.
  11. When does it start snowing over there then. Getting really nippy here in the mornings and evenings.
  12. I remember seeing Endurance on Clive James. Looked nuts.
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