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Yuki's Passion

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Yuki's Passion

  1. Besides all the obvious parts... a nice smile is one of the first things I notice. eyes - you can see the persons heart and sense what theyre thinking, hands, neck, back, thighs, legs, stomach, geeeze, cant stop... must stop thinking... doh, ya chatta!
  2. I love my birks, just cant stand how they stain your feet after wearing them all day...
  3. Lama, That would have to be Haru chan Oh yes, very sexy and wild girl indeed!!!
  4. I havent written here in a long time - not sure if thats because Ive been the magic of Niseko or working my ass off Havent had too much snow here until the last 24 hours but its been puking here!! First tracks this morning were epic. Been here almost two months and today was the best day yet - I hope youre enjoying the winter as much as I am. Sure am glad I dont have time to write here like I did before the season! (lol) Bad things about niseko - hmmm - its hot and the snow is crap. You shouldnt come here, waste of time....................
  5. SJ staff, Your site here is truly amazing - but you failed to mention that the 600 children run on treadmills 24hours/day to keep the electricity going
  6. mogski, is that the model where you can change the cards or program disc??
  7. Enderzero, Ive got a Casio and I love it!! Its got a Japanese-Japanese, EiWa, WaEi, Kanji, Kotowaza, blah blah blah. I cant study without it. If youre at a decent level with your Japanese its great; however, the examples can be lacking sometimes. But, its made for Japanese people, not gaijin. I would recommend to anybody who buys one of these to know how to use the Nelson Kanji dictionary.
  8. Barok - what a sweet schedule you got going. How did ya bum that much time off? Hope you get some sick pow... Im off to Niseko!
  9. Thanks yall - Im hoping that Raury's right about this and its just a muscle. I wanna get in some sick powder!!!
  10. Wow, cheers yall for the kind words. My embarrassing story: Was leaving a new Irish bar in the city and was so psyched after drinking some Nama Guiness!! Going down the stairs about halfway down the first flight, grabbed the rail with my right hand and jumped over to the other side and must have really tweeked it pretty bad because I could feel it at that second. Pretty dumb, eh? Wish I could say I was in Strawberrys or something, doing a Coke 720 or something other than going down stairs How can I get some chewable orange morphine Deebee?!!!! Mogski, are those the pads that you c
  11. Ive ended up cracking(maybe a slight stress fracture) a rib on my right side. Does anybody have any experience with this?? How long does it take to heal?? Help me, pleaaaaaassssseeee! Im going crazy just thinking about not skiing for that long.
  12. I have a hard enough time getting cards out to my family back home. I certainly dont do them for coworkers but maybe every other year or so do them for my friends. Id rather just buy them a beer and speak with my Japanese friends than send a card. A custom I dont get into... anybody else do them?
  13. Ocean, Im with you on that one, like we talked about in the other discussion we had this test has several problems. Long breaks, WHY? No written or spoken section, why? Once a year? Eiken and Toeic are like 5 times a month so every Toshi, Dai, and Hiroyuki can pass the test when THEY need to. But, we get it ONCE, just ONCE a year?? Come on people!! Yeah, that grammar was hard Wizz... just gotta wait till the end of January!!
  14. In addition to what OUfreeski2 said MDs dont scratch and never skip. If youre finished with an MD just erase it and put something else on it. MDLP is sweet - put up to 4cds onto 1md.
  15. I like Chemistry - dont like how they get played out and do cheezy videos but all bands get like that. Still like them though. Hiroshima boyz! But, I still hate music on the slopes
  16. random order: 311 on halloween '96 in Athens allman bros '98 5 nights at the Fox DMB - every show with Tim Reynolds Bela Fleck and the Flecktones - esp. Baltimore and Philly '00 Govt Mule - all shows. fav new years '99 Derek Trucks - before he was (really)famous in Athens Rusted Root '97 in Athens G. Love throws a great show Fuji rock this summer was awesome!!! But the price was crazy! Then DJs in Japan, Modaji (3x) Phil Asher (3x), Fat boy slim, Kyoto Jazz Massive (4x) Jazzanova, DJ alex (3x), United Future Organization, tha blue herb... nice music scene here
  17. Oblivion, Keitais going off during the test, and not getting kicked out, talking, looking at the test before it started, sharing answers during the test, being pushed around in line while waiting for food at the cafeteria, and cutting in front of the line while everybody else was waiting patiently for their turn. Yes, the chinese were ****** rude. It wasnt one person. It was the entire group of them. I would say there were 6 or so westerners in my testing room. And, it was worse in other testing rooms according to our friends.
  18. As usual no matter how hard you study or what you study theres always stuff on the test that comes outta nowhere. Grammar and reading were really challenging but the other 2 sections were easy. There were just so many rude Chinese people at the test that I dont know if I really wanna move there now...
  19. Mogski, was that the NHK special where Japan had a drought for like 8 years and the Japanese guy created rain? It also included those two (american?) brothers who created rain too. Maybe they can seed the clouds and create more snow for us!!
  20. I saw Oh brother where art thou and Ice Age this week, those had me in stitches. Bugs life, antz, etc... all are really good movies. Should be stuying for the test sunday...
  21. watching women clunk around in their boots that are obviously too difficult to walk around in bosouzoku - they just look so cute in their uniforms Kogyaru - just a laugh a minute Puri kura - geeze, people line up for hours for those stupid things. Yes. I have taken them... Konpa's - now that is something that all gaijin should experience... many times!! All the weird English programs that are on TV Uniform checks for the students - is this a prison or a school? Anytime you ask a question that requires a thought or thinking you get the Wakaran answer or c
  22. I remember hearing a Ski Patrol (who was actually a boarder) doing a final check of the course lost control at went into a tree at Mizuho (Hiroshima Ken) last year. I can see how people riding off piste and on a bigger mountain have a greater chance of injury but on a groomed run?? Wish I had more facts about what happened...
  23. What cracks me up are all the EngRish t-shirts here!! Ahh, some of those get me rolling on the floor. Ive even bought a few
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