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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by hide

  1. Kinda wondering - do many of you foreigners have Japanese partner or spouse? I think maybe many. I'm Japanese and my wife is Japanese, but we have friend who is American guy with Japanese wife.
  2. Yes its the most expensive of my hobby, along with car maybe. But I love both, so the worth is ok.
  3. I think he will be real good for the japanese team.
  4. I came out of pachinko with 15,000 yen last night! Success!
  5. I get frustrated when I see many resorts almost next to each other but not linked up in a smart way. Why can't they get along?
  6. Usually about even, maybe a little in the positive. But it's not just about that, it's about the relaxing time and getting away from it all.
  7. I feel relax because of like a daze or something, its kinda difficult to explain especially in english for me. The packinko take away my feeling of real world and trance like looking. Sorry the bad english.
  8. I play pachinko about once a week - it is good for relax.
  9. Hi I'm new here, Japanese, and interested - how long you been in Japan? have a good day!
  10. Best resort for me in Japan is Happo-one. I can go there many teams each season.
  11. Sure am. I am Japanese, and I live & work in Tokyo.
  12. interesting stuff indeed, the roadrunner stop would be well kewl.
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