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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by HoTRoD

  1. So do I, but I'm getting quite used to it now. I largely ignore that stupid tiles page.
  2. Somehow, the Gladiatior soundtrack which was actually pretty good.
  3. How do I need to write them? Start at the top and go clockwise? Or anti-clockwise?
  4. This is the price that those of us without kids have to pay!
  5. I would say that skiing is harder on the legs. In particular, the knees.
  6. No, not tasty foods but the スナック kind of drinking bar in Japan. You know the type, small poky place, mamasan, bottle keep, karaoke. Does anyone here actually like those places?
  7. My neighbours wife is a real saucepot. I always like seeing her.
  8. Did they not teach you that in your recent lesson?
  9. I still don't get what 'Apple TV' is.
  10. I'm not allergic to them, I just hate the taste.
  11. Google translate when I put in ape says 猿 That's saru, right?
  12. Hey sorry this might have been discussed before but.... can you just plug in a US PS4 and use it straight off? No issues at all?
  13. Gambatte! Get out skiing should help. Just don't choff down on beer and curry rice too much!
  14. Green beer on St Patricks. Never heard of blue beer before though. Wouldn't mind trying. I bet lots of people try it out of curiosity. Repeat buys will depend on taste though, ne.
  15. That's creepy. Does that concept actually work? Presumably so I suppose given they have done it.
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