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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ug

  1. I think it's just a coincidence that these two very important days come on the same day.
  2. Amazon along with the Japanese takyubin - excellent. Pity that it is often cheaper to use and get things sent via US or UK amazon.
  3. I was in that bar that night actually and seeing the photo realise I saw this guy. Nothing to help with as it was earlier on. Really hope this turns out good. What are the police doing/saying?
  4. Watched Quiz Show last night. Interesting movie that.
  5. Interesting about Kaka and more importantly paying a lot of money for Bellamy http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/columnists/matt_dickinson/article5549363.ece
  6. Watching people on their ketais, on the other hand, isn't.
  7. Perhaps at the traffic lights she mentioned. It is funny. Full on singing is quite funny to see.
  8. I use Avast. It's free. The other big free one is AVG. They are much lighter than Norton.
  9. Surely the overseas guests still though only account for a relatively small % (while still important of course)?
  10. Apart from doing some searches on here, here's some starters http://www.snowjapan.com/e/start-here.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/index.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/hotel/index.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/voice/review.php http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/resort-rankings.php That should keep you busy until February....
  11. Are we allowed to solicit sales on here now? PM me, I probably have a better answer for you. (and a good choice of meat as well).
  12. Nice tsonda. Can't say I'm fussed yet though, I'm patient!
  13. Get this - over 20 million DSs sold in Japan!! 2004年12月2日に発売されたニンテンドーDS(ニンテンドーDS Liteは2006年3月2日発売)の国内累計販売台数が2007年11月25日時点で2000万台を突破したことがエンターブレインの調べで明らかになった。内わけは、ニンテンドーDSが644万9206台、ニンテンドーDS Liteが1360万2806台で、合計2005万2012台となっている。
  14. I used to have some thin black ones and they weren't that hot, having said that they were pretty much a winter wardrobe. I really liked them, wouldn't mind some more.
  15. Binge drinking that still a popular topic in the uk? Where did all that lot start? I know when I was a student we did a lot of drinking but it was never known as binge drinking. I always needed a few days rest as well
  16. "Means when the temp is under 0" Does it have to stay under 0 all day to be mafuyubi? My dictionary was not specific.
  17. Public telephones are hard to find these days... I know I tried to find one last week in Gunma.
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