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Everything posted by cheeseman

  1. Some fine photos thank you everyone. If you go and take a camera to the slopes, don't forget the cheese. We will be going for our first trip next week so hope to get a few.
  2. Hi Cheesefans and happy new year. Sorry to not post a Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week for a while. Anyway, here is the new Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Over to France Briquette du Forez French cheese made from the mixture of cow's and goat's milk. The Briquette du Forez is matured until dry in humid cellars. The rind has a natural, white mould that thickens over the ripening period. The taste has a pronounced vegetable, plant flavor that is pleasurable to the palate. Affinage of the cheese takes two to three weeks.
  3. Beautiful. If you want views in the Yuzawa area, that seems the place to be.
  4. Fantastic Metabo You even tagged them as "cheese at resorts" Don't forget, Cheesefans, take your cheese and take pics of it posing at the resorts.
  5. Hi there Cheesefans, ok time for this weeks Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week - fron ICELAND Avaxtskyr Skyr is a soft cheese that is made from the whey of cow's milk. This cheese is made in various forms: natural Skyr, Skyr with fruit - Avaxtskyr, or with added cream - Rjomaskyr. If there anything left over after cheese-making, the rest is made into a drink called Mysa
  6. Sorry for the delay folks - Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week coming up soon!
  7. Eat some cheese before you drink. Not only delicious and nutritious, but fun and great with wine.
  8. Hi Cheesefans, it's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week once agasin. How about Holland this week? Maasdam Modern, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is boulder-shaped cheese. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. The cheese was created in the early 1990's as an alternative to more expensive Swiss cheese Emmental. Although there are similarities with Emmental, it is higher in moisture and therefore, more supple. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses, being ready in four to 12 weeks. The flavor is sweet and buttery, with a fruity backgroun
  9. It does make cheese cheaper With cheese being so nutritious and delicious and fun for all, that makes lots of cheesefans happy.
  10. Anyone ever heard of this one? It's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week: Cheshire One of the oldest English cheeses, invented during the 12th century. There are three types of Cheshire: White, Red (colored with annatto) and Blue which is punctured during the curing process, resulting in blue veins. Cheshire is firm in texture and a bit more crumbly than Cheddar. It is rich, mellow and slightly salty with an excellent aftertaste. It requires two to six months to mature and the taste sharpens during that process.
  11. I was rather disappointed with the response to this thread. Anyway, over to Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week thread.
  12. Here it is: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/298008/Cheeseman_s_Cheese_at_Resorts_.html
  13. Hi folks. Just to remind people before the season starts to take some cheese and take photos for this thread. Lets have a cheesy season.
  14. Over to France this week Cheesefans in this weeks Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week Ardi Gasna Traditional, farmhouse, unpasteurized, hard cheese made from sheep's milk. The cheese has a wheel shape with natural, crusty, yellow rind with grayish moulds. It is a table cheese, but is used also for grating . The name means "sheep's cheese" in Basque, and this cheese remained unchanged for centuries. The cheese is made in spring and late summer. All these cheeses are highly prized. Ardi Gasna has a hard texture, but feels rich in the mouth. The flavor is clean and fresh, with the sweetness
  15. Do try to get some Cheese at Resorts shots in my friend http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/photo_section.php?userGallery=222&userid=cheeseman
  16. That doesn't sound good to me. Nice looking machine though I saw it today in the store.
  17. Originally Posted By: stemik Originally Posted By: Cheeseman I met Cheesewoman at college. Got a friend who has been going out with the same girl since he/they were 13! how old is your friend now, 14? No, 37.
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