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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by bobby12

  1. Liver = disgusting Pate = gorgeous It is one of life's greatest mysteries.
  2. itunes is really badly designed, it took me so long to work out where the apps are kept. it is like they want to make every mm of the screen full of advertising campaigns.
  3. Come one guys, no mentioning names without a photo!
  4. Yep, somehow that's well sexy. She's all high class and unobtainable I see she didn't go to international school though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christel_Takigawa No mention of her being married/dating, however it seems she hates Lamb which may be a problem for us: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%BB%9D%E5%B7%9D%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%AB
  5. I think she is 33 now so that might explain the decline.
  6. Crystal is hot, definitely in my top 3 J-babes.
  7. They ought to standardise the units they use when talking about radiation. As Ibadaki is saying it just becomes gobbledegook because no-one can remember all the different units used. (e.g. "X of unit Y per time-period Z")
  8. I was also surprised. PSP probably does 3D better, like in metal gear.
  9. Its OK but I dont think there are many good games for it. GTA and Metal Gear were good. The graphics on iphone seem better and the games are cheaper. Its not practical to carry two devices on my commute. Maybe when the new PSP comes out I will switch back.
  10. Angry birds is good. I also got Dungeon Hunter which is like a simple RPG/beat em up (mage/warrior/rogue), it is good in terms of graphics and narrative/engagement but it is a little hard to control on a touch screen.
  11. Getting into iphone games now. Gonna sell my psp go if anyone is interested...
  12. I guess it is to make it easier to get supplies up there and move people around? A bit late though, they should have took action on this on March 12 when it might have made some difference. This just smacks of 'GANBAROU NIPPON' (ie. all talk no action)
  13. Go Native, have you tried looking a Kindle or Sony Reader though? It is a different technology, basically real ink that is moved around the screen by electromagnet - much easier to read and longer battery life than an LCD screen such as your PC monitor or iPhone.
  14. the new dude is really annoying. im sure they werent like that in my day. Tom Baker, Peter Davidson (?) and Worzel Gummedge are the ones I remember, I'm sure they were not annoying farts. Zoe Ball's Dad played him a bit eccentrically though i seem to remember.
  15. Watched 2 episodes from season 6 last night, wife liked it (crapping her pants all the way through) but I found it quite irritating.
  16. LCD screen doesn't really work for prolonged reading though does it, strains the eyes and kills battery. You need real ink or the electronic ink.
  17. Standard is not so bad. Japanese national team are pretty good right? Vissel Kobe is my team, they got three Brazilians up front. One of them is called Rogerinho and he reminds me a lot of C.Ronaldo, always full of tricks and beating people. I don't think he will be in the J-league next year. The best thing is its easy to get tickets and you can drink beer in the stadium. And the fans are hilarious with their lame copycat karaoke style banners and chanting. This includes the likes of 'Yellow Submarine' with the words changed to 'la-la-la-la-la-la'. My mate was saying anoth
  18. I want an ereader like the sony one, but want to read all my existing books first.
  19. Loved it! Unusually, the last season was the best too.
  20. Just finished watching all 5 seasons of The Wire, took me a few months, watching it on the train to work each day. I am gonna give Doctor Who a try next.
  21. go watch j-league, thats what i have resorted to recently.
  22. I imagine it is like this: Interac get 3.4M/year for the AET (same as JET salary) Interac wins because they pay the AET about 2.5M/year or so, keep the rest as their profit. School wins because, for the same price, they have more power to sack the AET or get Interac to shape them up. Also, no longer have to pay for flights, rent subsidy. AET loses due to less salary and loss of 'gravy train' work condition where they get paid to surf the net all day. The thing I dont work out is how the BOE figures in, as I thought they handled all the costs not the schools.
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