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Everything posted by zwelgen

  1. The trick is to put it so the hook is only sitting just on the end of the wire connected to the door so even the slightest movement triggers the door shut. And dude go for apples, the biarch that was in my house loved them and proved to be his undoing - death by sticky paper! (evil laughing)
  2. Classic! I want the beware of perverts one with the pic. I used to have one of the bitch ones as a sweater and when I went back to NZ got some strange looks with B I T C H over my left breast. Good times good times
  3. Yeah I do, Im not an Eigo sensei JET but one of the 500 or so with a post title of coordinator of international relations or CIR. So I work for Iiyama city at the city office doing all sorts of stuff.
  4. Nah I didnt do it, someone fwd me it on email and I thought it was pretty funny. Stupidest thing Ive done? Hmmm. I think it has to be either jumping off some stupid high cliffs into rivers or riding my bike along the top of the sea wall near my house. Kanbei - you crazy! But I think I would have been in with a grin.
  5. those look great! I never even thought about doing it that way -arrrrgh perhaps Japan has dulled my "think outside the square" abilities. Must remedy immediately. Hey Fatty how do you find those treckers? How would they compare to say randonee? They look good and a simple solution really. Thumbs up to the designer!
  6. Quote: Originally posted by ILiveToSki: I really want to get out skiing but am not sure how much cause I have some depts to pay. Any other Jets on this forum paying depts and skiing. I would like to know how much you can save while skiing 4 or 5 times a month Hey there Im a JET in Nagano, just wrapping up my 3rd year. If you arent foolish with your money you can save loads. It depends a bit on where you live because the countryside is cheaper. Speaking for Nagano some people go nuts, spend nothing and save heaps but come pretty close to suicide because they have a sad life. Dont do
  7. Im with Kamoshika being from NZ we only get the very occasional concert and its usually something like Brittany Spears or Joe Cocker so thinking about it I dont think that I have actually ever been to a concert, a real proper concert (I wouldnt count dance parties - Makuhari Messe has to be the best location for a hard night on the dance floor Oribtal/Underworld/FatBoySlim/AphexTwin seen some goodies there) This lack of concerts is something that will have to be remedied. Who would I like to see? Well the first thing that came into my head was AC/DC?!!! Where the hell that came from
  8. Yeah I reckon Markie! Bet that inheritance/lottery/lawsuit money is just about used up eh? Cmon spill the beans. I like my job and it is a GREAT job but Im just sick to death of it. Doing the same thing for 3 years just gets boring towards the end of 3 years. Maybe Im just spoilt and dont know how good I have it?
  9. you can get one of those traps that there is food on a hook that when moved slams the door down. I also got one of them when I had problems around Christmas but the sticky paper snared him before he could get there
  10. supertaper jeans baloon skirts (where there was elastic round the bottom and it bunched up, so tight at top and bottom and loose in the middle) poi-e (if youre not a kiwi you wont get it) bata bullets (ditto)
  11. I often have a drink G n T when cooking dinner and often have balieys after dinner. If Im with mates, about one evening a week we finish a bottle and I cant remember the last weekend I didnt drink. I am worried. But Im not DRUNK that often, not hungover that often so is it ok?
  12. great story Freaky! Can imagine you doiing it too. My rat was about 25cm long body plus tail. No wonder it ate so many apples! I disinfected every surface, floor and wall in the kitchen and dining rm after I caught the bastard
  13. Also would be good to see how the stats are for people in a relationship how often they have sex,
  14. Interested to see the most common number of partners is 4-9. Woulda thought more, dunno why though
  15. Quote: Originally posted by enderzero: I said it cuz zwelgen did. I don't know many people that have been to Guam and before I went I never would have considered it part of the US. Yo dont blame me! I Only said that because I havent been to America propper and wouldnt have felt honest if id said i had. Please correct me if Im wrong but dont want anyone to think Im padding!
  16. Im embarassed to admit it but the rat in my place was HUGE and its head wouldnt have fit in a trap Ive ever seen. When looking for ways to catch this bastard I didnt find a single classic trap, they just didnt seem to sell them, dunno if its just my area or what?
  17. Something lighthearted to think about... According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's probably shouldn't have survived. Our baby cots were covered with brightly coloured lead-based paint which was promptly chewed and licked. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, or latches on doors or cabinets and it was fine to play with pans. When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip flops and fluorescent clackers' on our wheels. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags.
  18. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: zwelgen, I'm aware of all those scenarios. But we still have to be responsible for our progeny. Thats just my point Ocean, in many cases there is no WE in the equation, its a very frightend young woman alone and poor. There are endless scenarios where there is no WE and as the person that has to give birth to the baby the woman cant just run away or scorn their responsibilities like some guys do. I mean come on how many solo fathers do you see with kids under about 5? Ever? Quote: Why does everybody keep on insisting on the desirability of free
  19. Just a warning though dont eat too little or your metabolism will slow down and then all your hard work will be for nothing and then if you go back to usual then youll pack on the weight. Respect the metabolism
  20. I was MORTIFIED when I found the munched apples and deduced that the rat was pretty big to eat half a Japan apple in a night... Got a trap and got the sticky paper as a backup. Slid the door shit so just the paper was in a U shape in the gap and put a yummy slice of apple in the middle (its preferred food) and baited the trap. It really was not a pretty sight in the morning and I am ashamed to admit as it was NYrs eve and no gomi collected for a good handful of days I wrapped it in newspaper and put it in a thick garbage bag...I threw it into the konbini gomi. I know that is not a n
  21. depends on size and speed. If they are small - kill If they are fast - kill If they are big - move If they are big and fast - kill I used to be a chronic arachnophobiac but since being in Japan I dont mind them so much. They can hang out in corners catching stuff until they get into the big category and then the party is over
  22. I cant vote for them because I dont think its acceptable but would never advocate taking away peoples choice. Maybe its just the wording of the options
  23. Australia Fiji Korea Vietnam Guam+Hawaii (dont really want to say US? Whaddaya reckon?) Philippines Papua New Guinea Sri Lanka Japan Ive been away so long that I feel like a tourist when I go back to NZ. Anyone else get that?
  24. Im not saying that its fine at all O11, just that we all know how condoms can fail and the pill can let you down, even using both isnt 100%. Classic case is when youre travelling and taking malaria pills or got sick and puked things up etc. Accidents do happen is all Im saying.
  25. rape story? Last Friday night a J-friend that lives in Tokyo got a call from her workmates after she had left and they couldnt find something important, so she went back to work. Getting in the elevator a dude came running up so she held the door open for him. He got in, hit the emergency stop button, threw her to the floor and started ripping her clothes off, his willy already out and ready for action. Now shes not a week little gal and screamed her head off and fought back with probably more than he was expecting. The people on the 2nd floor heard the screams and got the doors open
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