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Everything posted by oo

  1. Sorry no more dumps this season. The only thing falling now will be rain or cherry blossom.
  2. Hate the things. Against everything I enjoy about boarding. Do skiers like them? (And if so.....why??!)
  3. I think they are cutting back on staff you know - especially towards the end of the season. Went to Kagura yesterday and saw almost no patrol at all. Had no problems with them moaning at us.
  4. I went up to Kagura yesterday and had a great time. Snow surprisingly good up there. Saw almost no patrol at all, and they were letting us go where we wanted - although only a few of us.
  5. Loads of snow up there, but like the others said, nothing to get too excited about resort wise. It's not a big place, but I always go there once in May as my last ski of the season. Go on a nice day and it really is warm up there.
  6. OK folks. It's spring. We might see a bit more snow. We might not. Whatever.... ...just accept the conditions and if you can do that, just go out there and enjoy riding in a t-shirt. OK, it may not be warm enough yet for a T-shirt, but will be in another 4 weeks or so.
  7. I generally like it frannyo. Got a great feel to the place. Reasons people don't - usually the weather and a bit of trekking.
  8. Until I can, basically. Although funds are at a distressingly low level right now. Have to take some of that chalk up the mountains and do some eikaiwa at the top!
  9. Interesting you should say that bobby12...how long were you skiing before you turned last season?
  10. Interesting. I would have thought the trend was the complete opposite. In reality, it probably is.
  11. Interested in knowing reports on snow conditions......thank U
  12. Fair at Tenjin yesterday. Looks like they are getting some new snow today, if only a little.
  13. I actually went out to Tenjindaira yesterday and had a great day, even tho snow is not the best. Not terrible eithet though. Very few people around.
  14. Sorry, just having a bit of fun with all those cutey smileys
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