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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 7-11

  1. Do you find general living costs different up there Tubby?
  2. Can someone remind me? Was just reading a bit on the guardian about El Nino, which says there's 90% chance of this year being an El Nino year. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/11/-sp-el-nino-weather-2014
  3. Adjusted that for you. I think I remember seeing a documentary about some food coming in from China or elsewhere, and then just being packaged in Japan --- and it was being labelled Made in Japan.
  4. I refuse to stoop to happoshu levels.
  5. I prefer that ostrich hat thing that we on here a few months ago.
  6. We must remember that lots of us on here are probably quite a bit more 'adventurous' than the normal person. I am often reminded of that when my brother back home talks of doing 'exciting' things which to me seem absurdly routine.
  7. Yeah must be a right pain. The other side is as annoying - the obviously fake positive ones.
  8. I thought it was less than that. A bit rubbish.
  9. Yeah but like you said -- not elegant and basically I don't trust it.
  10. Wonder why Windows doesn't have an elegant solution like Time Machine.
  11. Isn't TimeMachine once an hour or something? Details I know.
  12. Makes you kind of think they're playing us for fools doesn't it?
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