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Everything posted by mogski

  1. Just saw the other day an article on the local digital rag from NZ where a paint company were trialling a system with the postal service where the posties would report back on what houses looked like they needed a repaint. The idea was that they would be targeted for direct mail compaigns etc. Public outcry soon put a stop to this, but this is one hellva scary issue. The postie knows everything about your external life. Who you bank with, what credit cards you have, where many of your rellies hial from, possible overseas realitonships etc.
  2. Yeah I use them. Only to access lifts and entry points for the off-course stuff
  3. mogski original there. This is what days at work on public holidays can do to one. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />
  4. It is not fair That I should sit here at work in this chair While you are all out there Riding around somewhere I am going beserk Here at work As I think of all the you all popping the cork On the evenings mulled wine Sharing stories of the days fine lines. Spare a thought for the workers today mate And be sure to ride’em great Ride’em hard and strong On behalf of those who cannot come along. Next time round Us working class hope to be there on ground To choke on them powder lines To share the stoke of the days finds And to drink that evening mulled
  5. When I am at home on the weekends I help out immensly. Do the washing, hang the washing, take care of baby mogski diaper changing, dinner etc. During the week I help out around home when I get home from work. I guess the only unspoken rule we have at home is the wife does the dishes. Only reason for this is beacause at 195cm bending over a 90cm bench for the time it takes to wash up the dishes is hell on my back.
  6. Sponge heads perhaps? If this were the case it would be even more frustrating cause they would be like me and spend too much time on the net during work hours and no work would get done!
  7. If they were world first stuff I can kind'a understand it, but most of the stuff has been in use around the world for 5-10 years. The ignorance is very frustrating!
  8. U can reset the times in under "my profile" or by deleting cookies or something like that.
  9. Different business culture and the general lack of acceptance from the majority of Oyaji to assimilate and accomodate other more productive wasy to do business. A general unwillingness to accept changes to bring moderness and hi tech features to business practices. Sometimes the blind pride and follow attitude I see around here makes me wonder just how in the hell this big arse company got to be big. Every day here I am reminded of my friends description for this place and in someways Japan; "A highly organised poorly entity"
  10. Where to start: 1. Oyaji clipping nails, hands and feet, at their desks. 2. Oyaji shaving at their desks. 3. Oyaji not working. 4. Incompetent oyaji employed all the time. 5. Incompetent oyaji promoted all the time. (Nenkoujyouritsu is so prevalent here.) 6. Ladies with hairy legs. 7. Oyaji and ladies whom never appear to bathe. 8. No greenery. 9. Gas chamber smoking room on the 12F of a high rise with no opening windows and no ventilation. 10. Bad Dydo, Polka coffee machines. 11. Everyday clutural clash of Foreigners vs J's. I do like the fact that there are 4 di
  11. FT the plan is to have the little guy be at the mountains in the Winter, but when you can't crawl or walk or for that matter say much more than ba-ba, da-da, ohhh-ohhh, there are much better places to be than spending your day in a hot stuffy smoke filled lodge waiting for Daddy to come down and play with you 10 mins of every hour. Once he gets a little more mobile then he is joining me in a back pack for his first run down a nice we slope. I am shooting for Spring this year. He did have his first intro to snow the other weekend and absolutely loved the snow flakes falling on his bi
  12. I'll be riding the desk chair around the office on Friday and hope to head west on Sat.
  13. A quote or two: "Players can't always see what the spectators can." "Just cause there's a goalie don't mean you can't shoot."
  14. Those sprinklers are a PIA!!! Spend time and money on educating people that snow covered roads should not be driven at the same speeds or in the same way as normal roads and on snow clearing machines and people. I personally think the sprinklers ruin the pristine setting and quietness that a snowstorm can bring! They make the place look dirty!
  15. I am having a petite stoke year this year. Stoke is still there, just when I can't enjoy it as much as I have in the past it is like torturing oneself. And becuase I am an S as opposed to a M, I am having to re-evaluate things in a big way. Still with you mate, but kids really do change the lifestyle a little.
  16. Hey danz do we get to see any of the commerative photos of the hospital danz or perhaps so x-ray scans and stuff?
  17. Anyone got some venture capital? I wanna start up a Yuki Oroshi business and market myself to all the old folk in these snow ridden areas! Could make a nice dime or two.
  18. Quote: Originally posted by gamera: They just keep distance from me and staring at me for a while then go. No offence, but I would do the same if I you appeared to be talking to yourself.
  19. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: well, in the cases I was thinking of that didnt come into play - no smarta$$ comments FF You and fattwins slept together and she got jealous?
  20. Could this have been the revenge of the "death cookie" or is this not a possible snow feature in the resort you were at? have you checked for security camera fottage from the lift towers perhaps. I will be happy to make a thorough investigation on your behalf. If you pay my entire expenses and allow me to transit for a few days in Tahoe.
  21. You are not the Danz of tree powder fame? You must be an imposter. Only a danz imposter could hurt himself. Can this imposter speak on behalf of danz and give more information as to the how of this accident.
  22. Quote: Originally posted by sakebomb: Typical, makes me proud to be an Aussie! Quote: *baaaa baaaaa baaaa* Sounds like a joke about Kiwis! Step outside now!!!
  23. Quote: Originally posted by phool: quote:Originally posted by mogski: Good skiing Really
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