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About 9frtg3xRj07ju3f5hDfeQw

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 10+ posts
  1. If Connery had done that, it would be the best Bond. It nearly is anyway even with Lazenby. Haven't seen it in years wouldn't mind.
  2. My friend broke their leg in Switzerland this season - in fact, FIRST DAY of the season. He was devastated. Getting on fairly well now and looking forward to next. Hope it goes well
  3. Lets not count the Sats and Suns, just the weekdays. I've got like the calendar. That Monday and Friday sucks big time.
  4. rahul well it all sounds very interesting... we shall see! by the way, are you a skier or snowboarder?
  5. You forgot ALL OF THEM. I suppose July is the worst though.
  6. This made me laugh. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4167585.stm The biggest thing wrong with my office is the people in it.
  7. I've found out he lives about 20km from Alts so thats where it will be. Next weekend so hopefully good timing with the snow and all.
  8. Somewhere on the remote Timor Sea coast of north Australia lives Patrick Nudjulu, one of three remaining speakers of Mati Ke.
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