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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by grape

  1. My friend had a magnificent winter planned last time round.... 2 weeks in Japan, 1 week in Switzerland, 3 weeks in Canada. He broke his leg the week before the first of those. What makes it worse was he broke his leg basically falling down the stairs!
  2. Remember to hold your nose on the way up to Kumanoyu. That onsen sure does stink!
  3. Not really steep talk but my favourite parts of SK were Terakoya and Yakebitaiyama. Yokoteyama has it's appeals -- bread show + few snowboarders
  4. I used to live about 45 mins drive from there and had many a good day. It gets busy weekends but weekdays it is quiet and you can really explore. Got a few tips if anyone interested. Can't wait to get back to Japan in November.
  5. I'm having a time convincing my friends to come but they are coming round to the idea. I just think there'll be lots of (very) late bookings this year.
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