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Everything posted by surfarthur

  1. You should post your details on this thread, and check out who else going to be in Hakuba at the same time as you, if you are keen to meet other SJers on the slopes. http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/20611-201112-who-when-where-a-definitive-j-list/
  2. It would also be worthwhile spending a couple of days in one of the cities while you are there, if you can drag yourself away from the slopes for a couple of days. We had a great time in Tokyo on our first trip. At one tourist destination where I was buying souvineirs, the shop attendant applauded me for saying arigato gozimas (thankyou very much). It is pretty much the only Japanese that I know. I haven't been, but a lot of people seem to prefer Osaka to Tokyo. A lot of people that decide to spend time in the cities use a luggage forwarding company which can be found in the airports, to f
  3. I am sure that all Japanese are now flocking to christian churches every sunday, for it is the will of god.
  4. Pete, Qantas is a OneWorld Member, so you might be able to get onto that deal.
  5. Wow. Just Wow. Words just don't describe how stupid that is. So God's amazing love is expressed by killing thousands of people? I don't think so. No wonder this world is so screwed up.
  6. Very much looking forward to reading some trip reports from the people who win these tickets. I always enjoy reading the trip reports and seeing photos of different areas. Even a quick few sentences and a couple of photos is a good thing, it is one of my favourite parts of these forums.
  7. I might have a few problems trying to send them to Japan, so here is the link to the recipe if you would like to try them yourself. http://theoutlawmom.com/2011/10/20/bake-the-outlaw-mom-tms-apple-crumble-cheesecake-with-caramel-sauce/
  8. Well, i burnt the caramel sauce, so that went in the bin. The cheese cakes were tasty without the sauce though.
  9. I am attempting to make apple crumble cheesecake with caramel sauce, hope it turns out ok
  10. I have a neoprene one that I bought in Japan last year, but it tends to slip down my face. I might try a balaclava this time, or see if I can find a face mask that fits better.
  11. Yes I thought so too. Bill Murray had a fun little cameo appearance.
  12. When are you going grazza? We will also be visiting Furano and Rusutsu in January.
  13. I am planning on getting some "cheesey" photos this time around, I just have to decide which type of cheese
  14. You have a good point Mr Wiggles, especially in a country like Japan, where skier/snowboarder numbers at most resorts seem to go down every year, Burton (and other manufacturers) should be doing what they can to provide equipment at a reasonable cost to allow the sport to be as accessable as possible. With the yen currently very strong, why should prices be so high? I could understand it if it was like 10% more than in the US to account for the cost of freight, but it does seem much higher than that.
  15. We also have a canon HD camcorder which we will use, so hopefully will get a good variety of angles etc. Will try to remember to keep the clips short when editing!
  16. The anti fog inserts work well in winter surf, I will be testing them out on the snow this winter - I don't want to risk ruining the videos with a foggy lens! In the surf, I have been using the 960p 4:3 setting, as this apparently has the tallest field of view. I am currently tossing up whether to use this or the 720 setting on either 30 or 60fps on the snow. I am planning to use mine helmet mounted, I also have the chest mount and will probably take some video from a pole looking back at me, the better videos I have seen usually have plenty of different camera angles, i think it helps keep
  17. A ranga might also be known as a ginger, or redhead
  18. Great news for the Gold Coast and the Qld economy in general
  19. Watching Blues Brothers 2000 at the moment, not as good as the original, but still a very good movie.
  20. Looks like snow for Hokkaido early next week... fingers crossed!
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