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Everything posted by gozaimaas

  1. Give it a rest jerry. Exactly how many million dollars a day did the previous mob borow in order to make people like yourself happy? Theres a big bill, and someone has to pay it. Your fairy tale existence is great in theory but the bottom line doesnt add up unfortunately
  2. Maybe google nankang tread wear. I would say if they are half price the economy is equal to a quality tyre. I prefer quality tyres.
  3. Rubbish. False economy. I had nankang on the front and yokahama on the back, car was 600hp and lets just say I had a bit of fun driving it. When the yokahamas were ready for replacing I was shocked to see that the nankangs were dead too. The back tyres copped a hammering, the front ones didnt yet their service life was the same. Excellent tyres are excellent economy.
  4. Thats strange then, most new split gear is pretty good, maybe it was just not a good match for him. Also I think before comparing a solid to a split one should be forced to travel 2klm through knee deep snow , then compare lol
  5. I just assumed it was poorly set up from the flimsy bindings comment. A split does ride different to a solid, but proper split bindings are just as good as solid bindings. So was it some crappy old diy split with bindings from 1995 that he was riding or a brand new split with spark burners? We just dont know.
  6. As would any poorly set up combo be, less than perfect. My split bindings are so good I use them on my solid too. When you are riding fresh lines 3 days after the resort was tracked out you soon get used to a splitboard ;-)
  7. Get some cheap flights to canberra last weekend in august. Ill pick you up at the airport and take you to splitfest. Rent a board and see if you like it. You will have fun.
  8. I would say send it over but the freight cost will be prohibitive. You can use a circular saw and a drill cant you? Its not that hard.
  9. Seen a show about it on tv last week. Its just another wonderful legacy of mining
  10. Theres nothing quite like a ball game to bring out the racism is there
  11. Yep. We communicate in the trees with whistles because you just cant hear each other yelling.
  12. When I went there it felt like I was driving into a ghost town. When I got to the base there were people everywhere, kids and park rats by the hundred.
  13. That guy is really lucky to be alive. Imagine it dumped 50cm that night.
  14. Rusutsu simply cause the mountain/lift lay out is better. As a family you will enjoy it more than tomamu
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