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Ducks on bank books, penguin family digging holes...

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Does anyone have a good reason for the rather childish looking duck family printed all over my bank account books, or the penguin dressed up in overalls digging on a men-at-work sign at the roadworks, etc etc. Why??


Is it so children will look at it and think it is kawaii? And if so, WHY?!!


\:D :p


Very curiously,


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the meitetsu trains, on one side of the train, have a monkey with a sore hand, illustrating that he was careless when the doors closed..


on the other side is a dolphin with a bandaged fin.


i get the monkey, u know, monkeys can be mischievious an' all, but i ask u, what was the dolphin doing out without a responsible minder?? its a completely different world up here!

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My post office has a poster advertising what I think is its savings scheme.


It has a picture of a deer, and the slogan is "For you and your dears future" (spelt with an "a"). It still confuses me when I look at it.

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My ATM has Dumbo on it. Although with the years of use and abuse he has had his ears are looking worst for wear.


Certainly is a good thing to pull out on a date or in the bar! Gets dem girls going goooooooood!

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My bank book has a family of geese on it. Mummy is wearing an apron, daddy has a case (he's obviously a salaryman), and the 2 kids have their cute school uniforms on. They all look very happy.

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