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What do you do when people just stare at you?

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sometimes i wish i looked foreign so people would know i was... just so they wouldn't be annoyed when they find out that, no, i'm not japanese and i didn't understand what they said. i do tell them that my japanese is terrible (in japanese, which may be the problem), but they still look past the "gaijin looking" friend who is speaking fluent japanese and direct their gazes at me!!!


on the bright side, i really impress people with my excellent english... so much so that i have had a man come and shake my hand on the train, congratulating me on speaking such good english with the foreigner sitting next to me (jared). \:D

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I imagine it must be really hard to be a non speaking, non native Japanese (or Japanese looking I guess) living in Japan. Especially for a girl. I had a friend tell me she would have Japanese people rudely tell her to stop practicing her english with them.

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If I'm in a good mood, and they seem like otherwise nice normal people, I might smile and say something. It usually softens them up.


But if I'm not in that nice happy mood, I'll just stare right back. Invariably they soon stop.

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I had a really weird occurance regarding staring and another whitey... I was sitting at a restaurant at one of those "community tables" with my gf, and this american dude, and some japanese chick (both looking around my age) roll up and sit right across from us. So the dude notices me at first and then makes every possible effort not to make any eye contact or even look in my direction. So I continue to enjoy my meal and listen to this asshat carry on about how japanese people, and customs are stupid to his japanese girlfriend. So my gf gets up to go to the bathroom, and coincidentally so does his. After both girls are gone, he sort of looks up at me and stares. It was a little uncomfortable, so I just say "hey, how's it going?" but the dude just sat there and then looked down or something. I was like ok... u f*ckin loser...

I don't know what the big deal was.... I guess some ppl are really uptight about seeing fellow gaijins or something...

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