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I am not a wealthy man either. However, I do hang out with the jet-set sometimes as well as working class dudes. There was a time when I would go out for fine dining almost every night. The food and service was great. However, after a while you get tired of having to dress up and behave in a gentlemanly manner the "whole" night (no loud-mouthing or swearing) and follow a strict regimen of etiquette. Furthermore, these meals costs a lot in time as well as money. I remember one dinner at a French restaurant which lasted more than four hours. And that didn't include the dressing up, grooming and getting there and back. Towards the middle of that I just wanted to get it over with and get out of there, even though the food and service was great. All the formalities started to become tedious. Sometimes you just want to grab a Big Mac and vegetate the evening away on the sofa, shoes off and picking your nose.

Nowadays I do the fine dining thing maybe once every one or two weeks. Seems enough.

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Yeah i have to agree with Markie....I find eating out becomes almost a chore over time. When i was travelling alot for business I tended to "dine" way too frequently. Eventually all you want is something really simple - something your mom would cook.

Not only that...but going out should hold some feeling of decadence...shouldn't it?

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I love fine food as well, but you do not have to pay over the top to get it. Lots of expensive places that go under the "gourmet" flag are just complete pretentious rip-offs, and I wouldn't touch them with a bog-brush. (Oh yes, and I can afford them - some of the time ;\) )

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They're by no means all overpriced and pretentious. I know some excellent restaurants that are expensive but the food and experience is just fantastic. We often go a couple of times a year to our favorite one and love every minute of it - and the meals are just amazing.

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