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Are boy bands popular overseas like here? I know about Backstreet Boys and Blue and like them, but are they popular generally or just young girl? In Japan many of them quite popular with general not just younger people.

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Japan has its share of homegrown Boy/Girl bands too! No talent groups spring up every other day it seems. Smap, Tokio, Kinki kids... and the girls are just as bad: Morning Musume???!!!?? (I cringe thinking about them, pedophile heaven perhaps??) Speedo....ughhh!

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Originally posted by Karnidge:
Way too popular, but they usually fade away with heartening speed. The BBoys are stickers though, they just won't go away, prepare for a new onslaught soon.
BBoys? onslaught? I hope you mean Beastie Boys but I guess they're not considered a "boy band".

In the states, its the 12 y/o girls that make boy bands top the charts. I think some of the gays like them too, but I and probably everyone else thinks:

1. They all sound the same, very unoriginal
2. Their music sucks, even moreso when they actually try to write their own.
3. I could go on

In case you're wondering, yes i had to listen to them to know these facts; yes I was forced to listen to them routinely in the car with my gf at the time.

my anti boy band medication is Slipknot :p
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Boy bands are probably as popular with the teens here in Australia as they are in the US or UK. Add to that 'Australian Idle' winners and other manufactured bands such as this.


They are also despised (vehemently) by a small minority of poeple, like myself.

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