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It woke us all up as well, couldn't get back to sleep after that. With these nasty earthquake things, the hours after them are almost as scary as the actually moving when they hit.

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It's very rude of these things to wake me up at 5 in the morning on a weekend. I must object.


I was thinking thouhgh, if there really must be an earthquake, what is the "best" time to have it. I suppose that would be in the middle of the night when there's not billions of people walking about, using trains, in office buildings and cooking. What time was the Kobe one, that was really early morning, right? Would have been a whole lot worse had it been 9am.

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During that October/November/December period at the end of last year when I was unlucky to experience probably about 400 earthquakes, I'd say the "best time" for me personally was when I was in the shower or driving. Unless it was a really strong one, if I was doing one of those things I often could not feel it. I was taking long long showers back then. Waking up to one is scary, especially when you are in the middle of aftershocks-ville like I was back then. It wears you down.


For the sake of everyone though, generally I would say when people aren't moving about in the middle of the day. Lots of people might get crushed in bed, but probably less than the nightmare that would happen midday.

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I heard that there would be less casualties if the earthquake was in the middle of the day. This is because 1. People are awake and more able to protect themselves/get out of harm's way and 2. A lot of houses and apartments are old and just waiting to collapse whereas generally department stores and office buildings are newer and are designed to withstand stronger earthquakes.

And if it's going to happen I'd rather have to get out of work than bed...

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A Japanese friend of mine has been recently looking into the earthquake cloud phenom and worrying over this website




I can't really read most of it and probably don't want to. Is that some kind of official thing or just some guy guessing at things?

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You know theres really not much point in worrying and losing sleep over it is there. I'd rather not get into that and not know and live my life without thinking about it. Got my things prepared in my genkan, not much else I can do..

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Big earthquakes (M 6 to 6.7) tentatively predicted between Fukuoka and Tokyo within 2 days at the earliest or from 16th - 18th. That sort of squares with rahul's prediction for the 20th.


The page purports to be "a best effort at reasonably reliable earthquake prediction".

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Actually I've just taken a look for around the time of the Fukuoka quake on that map page and it seems to be completely clear most of the time - both in the days leading up to the quake and after.

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Whats this dude/ette saying about the crows?


初めて書き込みさせていただきます。(パソコン 351;って書き込みするのも初めてです)


空に地震雲と見られるものが多く夕焼けも赤っぽ 356;です。

私は伊勢市に住んでいるのですが実家のある志摩 398;ほうではセミが鳴いていて伊勢では鳴いていませ ん。

最近の夜は虫や蛙の鳴き声がすごいのですが昨日 399;鳴いていませんでした(これは少し寒くなったせ いかな?

そして昨日はカラスの行動が少しおかしかったで 377;。


行ってしまったなぁと思ってもまた戻ってきて何 238;も擦り付けていました。

少し前コウモリがたくさん飛んでいたけど昨日は# 211;かけていません。


親が漁師なのですが一昨日の水揚げは少ないです 397;。

というか昨年から海の様子おかしいみたいなので 377;が・・・魚はあまり釣れてないですね

鰹にいたってはかなり漁場は遠いようです。(鯨 420;イルカは沖でよく見かけるようです)



あまりにも気になって書き込みしてしまいました 290;

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No clue about above apart from the semis not shouting (do they usually this time of year?) and a bit strange behaviour from crows. But we all know they're freaky interesting dudes anyway.


As for all this and the prediction of our friend from India. If he is right about this, that will be well weird and just a bit spooky.

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Them crows is a'rubbin' their beaks on them telephone wires, and them bats is a'flyin' some days and other days not. And I hear a weird low rumblin' sound a'comin' out of the earth.


(Whenever I hear low rumbling sounds and pucker ever so slightly, it always turns out to be the roar of an aeroplane climbing.)

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