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Surely we have more dumps left.


The last few weeks seems to have been generally mild and not winter other than that storm last weekend - which was quickly followed by warm and rain.


I realise there may be exceptions to the above. wink

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had about 15cms in myoko last night. enough for a very fun day on the hill. no real significant snow forecast for tonight, but it is snowing heavily and feels like a surprise dump might happen!

we're leaving tomorrow morning, but are trying to work out how we can keep plans felxible, just in case dawn reveals 20-30cm of fresh...

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Was in Myoko Kogen yesterday and today, and from last night until this eveening, was just a slight dusting, maybe 5cm max. Snow conditions on the slopes were so-so!

Will be putting out a full report of my skiing experience at Myokyo either tomorrow or monday.

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