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I just saw an interview with the old Japanese prime minister Murayama. He has always had the funky eyebrow thing going on, but they are getting bushier with time it seems. They're almost covering his eyes now and even longer perhaps than in this photo...




Apart from the fact that they look rather silly..... why are they growing so long? I've never cut mine and they are pretty much the same - normal - length since whenever. Curious.


Do yours grow and need maintenance?

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mines do not grow, BUT a related question has vexed me for ages.....regular hair on your head grows continually (ok not on mine but on most people's smile ), if left uncut it would simply grow and grow, right? SO, what exactly tells your body hair to stop growing?? Its the same length all the time!! Genetics I hear you cry, a gene or group of genes must provide the biological information that tells the hair to stop growing at a certain length.........why then does it know when it has been cut?? If you shave a patch from your arm, the hair that has been cut will start to grow again, although the uncut hair around it does not, yet the cut hair will stop growing at the same length as that uncut hair around it!!! WHY???

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Mono - brows !

never seen one on japanese ..


what gags me is when you see japanese youths (guys) with shaved eyebrows, they make it thin and suppose to be a tough man image.

It was also used as intimidation, and often at martial arts comp you see it. I think it got banned at high school judo comps.



what about hair growing out of ears !

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Originally Posted By: Jynxx
Mono - brows !
what gags me is when you see japanese youths (guys) with shaved eyebrows, they make it thin and suppose to be a tough man image.
It was also used as intimidation, and often at martial arts comp you see it. I think it got banned at high school judo comps.

Yeah, I have a question about that. I think guys who pluck their eyebrows look like freaks. I assume that hasn't caught on back home but I've been away for so long that I might be a little behind the times. Do young western guys pluck their ever eyebrows (besides the odd stray in the middle)?
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My two older teens have inherited the runaway monobrow gene, so they both get a little tidy up now and again.


I have seen some boys/men with complete waxed/shaped eyeborws - and they just look like girls....no harm ripping the stragglers from betweent he eyes, but for goodness sake GUYS! dont shape them too.

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I know what you mean about the eyebrow thing. Both the girls and some guys seem to do it here. I can't see the appeal, it really just looks silly for the most part.

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