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Is airport parking a complete mad rip wherever you are in the world?


I was at Manchester Airport picking up a friend. I knew the parking costs are off the chart mad and so waited until the last minute to get parked without wanting my friend to come out and me not be there. There's pretty much nowhere within a few km of the airport where you can stop by the side of the road as well, well not legally anyway. Though I do often park at the road at the bottom of the runway and the plans fly in directly overhead.


2 quid for up to 30 minutes

5 quid for 30-60 minutes


Of course, you never know how long they're going to be coming out. And 30 minutes is nothing. So it was verging on 30 minutes when my friend came out, by which time I was at the machine putting the coins in. You have 10 minutes or so (not sure, anyone know?) after paying in the machine to actually exit the car park.


I know it's only really small numbers, but it's just such a rip I don't want to fun their evil schemes. Stubborn like that.


Is parking mad expensive at all airports?

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When I went to Niigata Airport last year for visa stuff, it wasn't that bad I thought at the time. Can't remember the actual price but it wasn't over the top. Not the "major hub" that Manc Int'l is though.

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Yes, th UK airports are an effing ripoff, so much so now, that when my parents drop me off, simply just do it at the drop off point.


Saves them about a fiver, and also me from the inevitable floods of tears from my mother.

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set the scene..a new local shopping centre opened a few months back with underground parking. They give you 3 hrs free, but get your hair done, get a massage/reflexology PLUS do the groceries it is easy to go over the 3 hours. $5 for the first hour over, $12 once you go once second past that and then +++ from there...


In comparison the airport parking is quite reasonable.

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5 quid for anything more than 30 minutes, when pretty much everyone going in there will be needing more than 30 minutes?

The shopping centre sounds a least a bit better surely!

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from memory Nagoya airport (chubu international) was also free for the first 30 mins.

If picking people up I always used to check that the flight left on time before leaving home. Just silly if ya don't.

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Definitely. I had checked that the flight was about to leave London before I left (about 40 minutes to Manchester Airport from where my parents live). And even waited to see the plane fly in before entering the car park.

30 minutes is still pretty tight though.


I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that not too long ago it was free for the first 20-30 minutes or so.

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Newcastle airport (UK) does first 15mins for free, then its about 1GBP per 15mins after that. So everyone keeps dipping in and out, its stupid.


It really should be free, airports are usually surounded by nothing so its not like the land is expensive or people will abuse the free parking to go shopping etc.

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