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Ho ho ho.


I can't remember how old I was when I found out Santa was not real, but I'm sure it was much older than kids these days. Just spoke to a friend who's very young kids are savvy to it all.


Those with kids - what's the deal with Santa these days?

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We have finally had to come up with a clever story to keep some mystique alive for our very savvy youngest (9) - the story began some time ago - when he was maybe 3 or 4.


Santa brings one gift and a few stocking stuffers for each child. He is not a superhero and as there has been a population explosion since the dark ages he delivers to the parents in advance. Then it is up to the parents to decide to wrap or not, augment or not. That is why some kids get just one gift, and other a big sack full, and why some recieve wrapped gifts and others not.


It also explains why we need wishing tree's for charitable collection of gifts. My savvy 3 yr old, while adding his gift to the charity tree, asked why Santa did not bring extra presents to poor children and less presents to richer children - good question!


Ours KNEW, but chose to play the game of belief from about 8, some earlier.


But I was so thrilled this year when my 16 yr old hairy giant said that this years "Santa Photo" would be hilarious as he might be competing with Santa for facial hair. I was shocked as I had given up on the idea of convincing them to get an annual Santa Photo for this year, and when I said so he said "NO WAY! This is my last year at school and I have had a photo with my brothers EVERY year"


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I remember the devastation when my youngest nephew, all of 6, had been naughty and I snapped at him well Santa is watching and he won't be bringing you anything this year. To which he snapped back and said Santa is a Faggot.


Glad to report 10 minutes later I heard him in his room talking to the ceiling apologies to Santa for being naughty and calling him a Faggot and he will leave him out extra cookies and carrots for the reindeer. lol


I think it is our sad realization that once they don't believe in Santa anymore they are not our little babies. sadface

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Originally Posted By: brit-gob
Ho ho ho.

I can't remember how old I was when I found out Santa was not real

What??????? You're kidding. Oh no..does that mean the tooth fairy as well........cry.gif
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My daughter is only five and of course believes in Santa. I hope she will at least believe in Santa for a few more years yet. I think it is a great time for children and nice for them to have some happy belief for as long as possible.

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You know that silly giddy excitement that kiddies get at Christmas? Regardless of whether the gifts come down the chimney or are placed lovingly under the tree by Mum and Dad....?


Well... I hope everyone can have a little bit of that at Christmas.


I get my Christmas Spirit up and firing a few different ways....


* Taking the kids to place gifts underneath one of the many store charity tree's.

* Swapping Advent Gifts (yes, 24 small gifts) and filled Christmas Stockings internationally with internet friends (also Christmas nutters like me!). These surprises are so lovely to have when you are the one who is making all the suprises happen for those around you and it is rare to be surprised.

* Getting finished early (lowering stress levels) and taking my kids out for a flash lunch, a photo with Santa (even though they break his knee now), and having them chose a new Christmas Ornament each (which they will take with them when they leave home).

* Play corny Christmas Carols LOUD and long.

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Huh! doh

Seems like my 9 year old has been stringing us along. We thought she was a firm believer until today when we found out she has been telling the little kids that there's no Santa and mum and dad give the presents. (she doesn't know that we know)


Now we have a delima. What do we do? Tell her the truth or play along for another year.


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Try my story Mantas


Santa brings one gift and a few stocking stuffers for each child. He is not a superhero and as there has been a population explosion since the dark ages he delivers to the parents in advance. Then it is up to the parents to decide to wrap or not, augment or not. That is why some kids get just one gift, and others a big sack full, and why some recieve wrapped gifts and others not.


It confuses the hell out of them for another few years, and allows those that want to have a skerick of faith on Christmas Eve (despite all confidence to the contrary the rest of the year) the opportunity.


I dealt differently with the older two - when they started telling tales to the little kids I 'crossed them over' from child to adult Christmas role. The rule was if you are not revelling in Christmas Magic you have to be making it for the younger ones! Took them out for hot chocolate and waffles and had a heart to heart, asked them if they were really ready for the truth and the responsibility... when the answer was a resounding yes then they got the truth and the tasks to make Christmas magical for those around them. They still do it for the little cousins - they are awesome kids.


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