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Ultra budget accommodation needed in Niseko over New Year

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hey guys. me and a mate are gunna be in Niseko from 29/12/08-12/01/09 and need some accomodation. Have looked through this website and sent emails off etc but all the cheapest places (hostels and pensions) are booked out and even these are fairly pricy. Is there anywhere else to stay in the area. We have hardly any money to spend but I dont need (or want) all the western luxuries and i'm happy to sleep anywhere as long as its warm and I can dry my gear. any one got any ideas or know of anyone who might want to share an apartment?? Cheers. Dools

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Dunno if it still exists but try Wazzas World. It's located in Kutchan and was priced 1500yen a night. Fills your desire of cheap and a place to sleep(not much else tho!) Good luck.

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Originally Posted By: thursday
budget? how about nothing.

Okay so he's late, but where does it say that he's got no money?

The fact that he wants to 'dry his gear' shows he's budgeted for lift tickets. He just doesn't want useless overpriced luxuries. Neither do I.
Since when did $ = smile ?
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Dools, tough call and I don't really know much about Niseko. I can say somewhere like Wazzas is probably a good avenue to investigate-it's got to be hard to get in anywhere around that time though.


Camping could be an option if you have the right gear I suppose, but that's not really feasible unless you're super keen and have done the reasearch and prep. How about considering somewhere other than Niseko?

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Originally Posted By: yamayamayama
Originally Posted By: Greenroome
Okay so he's late, but where does it say that he's got no money?

Originally Posted By: dools
We have hardly any money to spend

Maybe I should have quoted a bit more for context:

Originally Posted By: thursday
how can you have a great trip if you've got nowhere to stay, nothing to eat, no beer, and no lift pass?

Are people assuming that he's coming over with no money for food and lift tickets? Why? Who would do that?

He's quite obviously talking about discretionary spending.
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And who in their right mind would 'be in Niseko' in one of the very peak times without having any accommodation and very little budget to spend on?


A silly billy, I would say. I bet all the accommodations would be falling over themselves to squeeze someone like that in.

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Thanks to you guys who are trying to help! appreciate it.


just wanna say that i've been travelling the world for the last 2 years and i didn't do it all by spending big bucks everywhere i went. sometimes you have to sacrifice things like beer and nice food to go places but there is more to life then getting pissed up and fat. i realise japan is expensive. i realise it is an expensive place to go at that time of year. and i realise my limited budget makes things hard. but hey, thats life and i'm gunna do it anyway and see how i go.


Wazzas World and Woodpeckers both sound good but I googled them and can't find any contact info on them. Maybe they don't exist anymore or possibly you just need to hook it up when you're over there (not something i really wanna do considering the time of year). tried couchsurfer too but no joy.


Neversummer - Hoping to be able to find somewhere for under $50 a night but realise i might need to spend more due to time of year etc but i can afford more if worse comes to worse. and thanks mate any help would be great! i know i have to pay for lift passes too. i just don't want to spend $150+ a night because its going to kill the bank balance very fast!


Davo - yeah thought about trying somewhere other than Niseko. Where you thinking?


thanks again guys



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Dools- maybe Hakuba, but the timing is a challenge for anywhere you try. Goryu resort in Hakuba has a 1000 yen a night shared room I believe and I guess you probably just turn up for that.

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Dools, depending on how attractive you are you could always try picking up someone each night of your holiday and sleeping at their place.


I tried this strategy back in 2004 - I was admitted to hospital on day 2 with hypothermia after having to sleep under a bus shelter.



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haha yeah i tried that a couple times too. ended up sleeping in a bus shelter in Edinburgh and nearly loosing the bottom half of my body to frostbite! think i'm gunna have to bite the bullet and pay up. gunna kill the bank balance though. gunna be back at work sooner than i hoped! thanks anyway guys.

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Originally Posted By: thursday
how can you have a great trip if you've got nowhere to stay, nothing to eat, no beer, and no lift pass?

sounds great too.

You are reading to much into what he says - think more practical like he wants to spend 2000 yen a night on accomodation - He will eat cup noodles @ 150 yen a cup or what have you - by great I mean memorable as who knows he could meet some well heeled people and fall on his feet with free accomodation for a week - these kind of things still happen to good people - I maen its not as like he is going to resort to crime or anything you would hope - anyway my ten yen
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I thought I'd leave this thread alone.


Jools, would you have rather I said "good luck" and left it at that?


Boardbaka, would you have preferred it if I said "yeah, have a great time" and left it at that?


Now, I'm leaving this thread alone.

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