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Judging by the time of your post I would say it was this one at 1:45 AM.




4-5 on the J-scale just north of Tokyo in Ibaraki, thats a decent shake! and it wasnt that big up your way Soub! you must be sensitive!


You Kants and Tohukus can have all the earthquakes you want and keep them out of Kansai! that would be nice.


4 (4) / 3.5-4.4 Many people are frightened. Some people try to escape from danger. Most sleeping people awake. Hanging objects swing considerably and dishes in a cupboard rattle. Unstable ornaments fall occasionally. Electric wires swing considerably. People walking on a street and some people driving automobiles notice the tremor. 0.25–0.80 m/s²


5-lower (5弱) / 4.5-4.9 Most people try to escape from a danger. Some people find it difficult to move. Hanging objects swing violently.Most Unstable ornaments fall. Occasionally, dishes in a cupboard and books on a bookshelf fall and furniture moves. People notice electric-light poles swing. Occasionally, windowpanes are broken and fall, unreinforced concrete-block walls collapse, and roads suffer damage. Occasionally, less earthquake-resistant houses suffer damage to walls and pillars. Occasionally, cracks are formed in walls of less earthquake-resistant buildings. A safety device cuts off the gas service at some houses. On rare occasions water pipes are damaged and water service is interrupted. (Electrical service is interrupted at some houses) Occasionally, cracks appear in soft ground. and rockfalls and small slope failures take place in mountainous

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Missed that earthquake was in Korea, just got back this evening. I must say in the past three weeks or so, Kanto area has had about 3 or 4 earthquakes that I have felt. Hope this is not brewing up to the big one!

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