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 Originally Posted By: spook
sick pics thumbsup.gif

so what proportion of time are you guys spending on nobards vs snowboards?

well, I only ride the noboard on pow days. It usually depends on how quick spots get tracked out. last sat I did 4 long runs, the next day I was tired and only did 2 quick ones. ie get up on first lift, do a couple of laps and then switch to the snowboard
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yeah, except for the robot arm that could be one of the best noboard photos i've seen. Im most pics, it just looks like the dude is snowboarding, in that one you can see both the rope and pow spray


AK, were there any decent pics from the Otani expedition?

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 Originally Posted By: spook
sick pics thumbsup.gif

so what proportion of time are you guys spending on nobards vs snowboards?

i have only been out noboarding 4 times ever.

1)Whistler 04-05 once, i hiked into Flute Bowl, tied some shoelaces onto my bingings to grab onto, stood behind the bindings, and had one of the best runs of my life.

2)Opening Day at Happo this year. Brought a real noboard up the Gondhi, and tried a couple of runs on the moguled out parts (the lifties were preoccupied with getting everything working, so we were able to sneak on). It was a gong show, unless there was enough pow to turn in. Then we hit an open area with a mellow gradient and zero tracks, and ate that up.

3)2 weeks ago, in the Otani BC. A short hike from the parking lot rewarded us with fluffy pillows and waist-deep snow. Took a few short runs and tried a few drops

4) the next day at Iwatake. Took advantage of the lifties ignorance and bluffed like they were attached to us safely. Snuck into the trees, and tried to ride an open face, but the sun was on it by the time i got there, and it was like trying to surf wet cement.

That is my entire noboard history right there. My snowsk8 history is a fair bit longer.
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 Originally Posted By: OkemoLoon
 Originally Posted By: Oyuki kigan
i've been thinking about noboard design, and i would like to build my own, kinda like Wolle did. Except, i'd like to make a twin-tip, so that you could do shuvits and stuff in the pow.

Wake skates operate on basically the same principle as noboards, and i think that a longer wakeskate-shape would be perfect, reverse camber, reverse sidecut, and a low-profile tip and tail. Maybe about 150 to 155 cm long...

There are a few different types of wakeskates now. Last summer i rode one where the deck was elevated about and inch or 2. the bottom deck that actually rode on the water had more of the design your talking about. Reverse camber and reverse sidecut, and the top deck was basicly a large skateboard deck. I will see if I can find a pick and the company that makes it.

Basic wakeskate design should be good for snow too if you elongate it a litte I would guess.
Elevated deck version or bi-level version.

Zariel Wakeskate
The heavy weight guardian of the water is coming in at over 13 lbs. Reed Hansen needed a stockier skate for the board control he was looking for on the water and leaving it. Ronix spent the last two seasons designing the first ever compression molded wood wakeskate – for the buoyancy of your favorite wood deck, and the durability of that wakeboard you have had in the garage since 97’. This bi-level shape creates a consistent, quicker swing weight than a traditional skate.

* Concave - starts in the center of the board and then tapers out the ends for a more controllable flip

* Rocker – hybrid style rocker that isn’t too explosive and inconsistent off the wake, instead more glide speed from this arc

* Compression molding – the most durable wood skate out there
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 Originally Posted By: RobBright
Kuma - man that action looks ace - gonna have to try out sometime - what kind of base do you recommend on this?

what do you mean base? snowboard?

just give me a shout if ever you come up to Hakuba or Toyama and you can try it (same goes for anyone else who's interested).
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