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It had been over a decade since I had last seen a Woody Allen movie, and on a whim, I rented Deconstructing Harry the other day.


Absolutely hillarious!


I have decided to go on a binge in the coming weeks.


What are your favorites?

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Watched "Sweet and lowdown" a while ago.

An excellent movie with Sean Penn as the "second best jazz guitarist in the world"


Woody Allan uses some of the same techniques as in the above mentioned Zelig.


He narrates the story, to make you believe it is a real character he is making a movie about.


The difference between Zelig (which i also like very much) and Sweet and lowdown is that i found myself involved on more levels.


(English is difficult)

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Whats that one called Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask. I remember watching that when I was a young teen, my big bruv let me watch it.

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