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Everything posted by RobBright

  1. chilli daikon with ponzu - great for dipping
  2. piss water that not even the poor homeless frenchman would drink.
  3. What you have to remember is that plan companies don't buy the fuel on the day, more often than not, they lock themselves into contracts with the suppliers for months, if not years, on end, to fix the fuel prices if they go up, but likewise if they go down, they have to pay.
  4. When they actually snowboard, awesome stuff! And the carve with the sunset - one of the most beautiful things this year!
  5. Have to say - dug out the heated carpet today and laid it down - very tempted to sleep on it tonight. Surely you must have nice views now muikabochi?
  6. Grungy - I'm scared now - that's too precise a prediction.
  7. What happens is a lot of them go to NZ to ply their trade - and after x amount of years they can apply for citizenship, same as in football.
  8. What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires. What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes. The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
  9. As TB said - its not like the English do some dance? If they don't want to watch then fine, don't watch it.
  10. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  11. Also, 7eleven is doing a buy 700 yen worth of goods and get a scratch ticket. Managed to get 100yen off at esso of total spend
  12. According to bbc - obama 103 mccain 34
  13. To be fair to Gerrard, he did get what appears to be an elbow to the ribs.
  14. todays quote 'forever, I'm gonna be Sarah from Alaska' jeez :'(
  15. wow - have a shed tears of happiness Mike - Please please please keep them coming
  16. Originally Posted By: 2pints,mate Lets pumping. lets pumpinグー
  17. Damn delap - what's even funnier is how pulis thinks there IS more to Stoke
  18. Originally Posted By: snowdude ] That reminds me years ago in one of my local pubs, they use to have this special deal, if you could eat a 1kg stake and large portion of chips and all the trimmings to go, Noway I could do that - I mean seriously a 1kg stake, large portion of chips and trimmings - who could ever eat that much wood and weeds?! now watch him edit it to make ME look stupid
  19. Snowdude - you're missing out something- they don't have balls
  20. And I'm celebrating with a bottle of 82 Cabernet savignon from Bordeaux and a game of fm 2009.
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