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Everything posted by spacefrog

  1. eyewitnesses that actually saw a plane fly into the Pentagon? Funny when you go back to the original reports all those years ago we hear all of these eyewitnesses that say nothing resembling a plane came near. Then the gasstation security footage that shows nothing until we see flames and smoke but no plane debris. Curious
  2. ok boys now explain the Pentagon. Can`t wait to hear this one. Or does FEMA have some credulous explanation?
  3. Originally Posted By: Go Native Originally Posted By: spacefrog And lastly the most shocking thing really is that people who consider themselves educated,well informed and have had the benefit of attending higher education so readily swallow the propaganda without trying to verify it. I admit it so cleverly and completely packaged that one would not even dream about researching the facts however I would expect those very people to have the analytical skills to be able to see right through it all. Gee spacefrog aren't we all so lucky you've dedicated a lifetime of inspired research
  4. Thank god people are waking up to this panic mongering. Funny that in 1973 Henry Kissinger proposed in a paper about world population control that global warming should be used as a tool in population reduction as well as war and the lack of oil. I have to say that it was a proposal for 3rd world population reduction. I am not sure if soub was being sarcastic about post wwII warming but he`s right, the temp steadily decreased until 1975 and started rising again since then. I am really shocked that most people believe CO2 is a pollutant, it`s hysterical. Water vapour is the bigge
  5. it`s not spoofing.it`s called proxying You can use a proxy server in the uk to relay the stream thus fooling the bbc into streaming the content. This is not illegal, all you need to do is find a public proxy server in the uk, you can google for a list.Set your browser to use the proxy servers IP address and you should be able to do it.
  6. Some sake can`t be heated. it depends if it has been pasteurised or not amongst other things.Unpasteurised sake should never be heated! there should be a pic on the back label with some pictogram displaying if it can be heated or not. In fact only cheap honjozo can really be heated(atsukan) and some of more expensive ginjoshu can be warmed(nurukan). Warming should never really be above 45 degrees, what I do is use a ceramic jar that my ceramic sake bottle fits in and fill it with boiling water and keept it in there for about 3.5- 4 mins.
  7. Hate automatic`s with a passion. Always drive a manual and it`s far safer than an automatic.Aside from having more control in manual it makes you concentrate on what you are doing rather than switching off while driving an auto.
  8. Finally after a long wait it arrived today. Typical getting it the day after you have been in furano for 5 days with the most awesome snow of the season. But anyway it arrived and the only thing I can note is how light it is and that the magnetraction seems less pronounced than on my 2005 pointy trice. just pressing the rocker down onto the floor and letting go and it jumps a few inches off the floor. Another noteable thing is that the sidewall is really one as it wraps round the nose and tail unlike most boards I have seen.It`s really noticeable as well as the metal edges not wrapping aroun
  9. Originally Posted By: bobby12 I just asked 3 japanese ppl who are all drivers and they said that in the eyes of the law it will be at least 90% your fault regardless of the situation because a cyclist is involved. I dont think anyone here can judge you unless they were there, however ultimately you were going too fast to avoid hitting them and that will always be an argument the cyclist can use against you. That maybe so but having been through it depending on what they did you can get it down to 60% and in my case I beat the cyclist but it was a special circumstance as he clipped m
  10. That`s car tax you have to pay in may. I believe the national insurance is paid at shaken.It is for issues like this or if you hit a traffic light or other pole etc. To cover damage to material things but also can be used for ambulance and hospital costs. However it is compulsory and everyone has it when they get their shaken. It covers up to 10 million yen I seem to recall.
  11. If she was in the center of the road on a blind spot it is most definately legally not 100% your fault. So as I said use your national insurance but not your private one and negotiate. was she looking in your direction as you went towards each other( I bet not) and were there any mirrors on the corner( as in could you see her on round the corner that way) Bicycles are governed by road rules and must ride on the correct side of the road. So you have lots of points to argue so don`t give in. Chances are they might not have insurance and the Japanese person would probably cop to 100% but do
  12. Never accept 100% blame, you don`t have to unless you know it was 100% your fault. use your national insurance to cover the medical costs and ambulance for the girl. This costs you nothing. Do not use you private insurance yet. Better to negotiate with the girl or her family if she is a minor. it really depends if you collided head on or you side swiped. Indeed the bicycle is seen as the weaker party and thus the blame is attributed to you but if you don`t give in you can get yourself in a more advantageous position. if all fails use your private insurance. This is from experien
  13. Packet Internet Groper = ping it`s not really indicative of much because it really depends on what is happening with the device responding to the ping request and how much traffic it is handling at that time of the day.
  14. All I meant was don`t be stupid and get into that position where you get ripped blind. I just wouldn`t let someone step all over me and take me to the cleaners. You may find this cynical but it also the harsh reality of what happens to quite a few people. I would just excercise caution before even thinking about marriage. time for social redress I think to even things out.
  15. Originally Posted By: Indo Originally Posted By: spacefrog Moral of the story is don`t be dumb so don`t get married. So all the married people out there are dumb? Drrrr. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? don`t get the logic, in fact the conclusion you draw is illogical. point is marriage is not necessary to prove love , loyalty to someone, nor to have a great long lasting relationship. However marriage is a long lasting contract that disadvantages one party in the contract by default.
  16. get over myself? I can`t get over your support for authoritarian violence . nothing coherent to support your view. and I have to get over myself. Really why is it so bad to speak out against the US as that really is the issue for you. Get over myself?????????????so really you are right and everyone else is wrong even you can`t justify it.
  17. Originally Posted By: samurai How in the world does this link to the geriatric in her wheelchair or the epileptic tasered to death because he wouldn't stop moving? Okay, troll above has suckered me in. I'm now out of whatever conversation trolls are trying to argue. get over yourself, troll. the key-beneficiaries to your argument have stopped reading. How does it??? well because that is the state of the police right now. Point is it doesn`t matter what you do, if the cops want to taser you they will and will justify. all you are doing is defending their side?? they are all rela
  18. Originally Posted By: samurai Yeah, he was tasered while on the floor, after saying; "Don't taser me dude." But I have to wonder how much he just wouldn't settle down with, how many... 5 officers on him? Are all 5 really incompetent or was the guy just impossible to control? Incredulous. just like the geriatric they tasered in her wheelchair because she refused the command to get up. or just like the epileptic they taseres to death because he wouldn`t stop moving. 50.000 volts running through you makes it hard to stop moving but anyway. and just to answer your question,
  19. Moral of the story is don`t be dumb so don`t get married.
  20. Originally Posted By: Gary Of course, the "Tasing" was totally unnecessary. It is the job of the police to arrest suspects and put together evidence, not to issue punishments - thats the job of the courts. Anyway, I like to think that this wouldnt ever happen in my country, England. We dont have such laws as "Three strikes and your out", because, as we might say in England, well, its just not cricket (sorry!). The laws pertaining to the police use of such powerfull and potentially lethal weapons as Tasers, are quite clear - officers should only use them as an alternative to lethal force - i
  21. I am sorry but this needed to be dragged up again for the people who thought this was justified. I am very sorry for those people, it`s not their fault but the rest of us who have some notion of right or wrong then please watch all of the following. http://prisonplanet.com/articles/september2007/210907_b_brutality.htm the people who thought it was ok to be tasered like that then they have been indoctrinated beyond recompense and there is absolutely no hope for them. Please pity them and don`t hold it against them.
  22. I thought you can`t own property in Japan unless you have a permanent residency????
  23. Yup TB that was exactly the point why did he roll over and just accept it. and the guy made a stand which more than others would do and in a country that prides itself on freedom and democracy he excercised his rights to free speech. He was denied his right to protest about bush stealing his way to power. And what`s scary is that everyone has been socially conditioned to think this is ok. It`s totally justified he was pinned down and after he was subdued he was then tasered , but it`s ok because he was downright rude.
  24. Yes kerry and Bush are distant cousins. same lineage! http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/03/04/politics/main604163.shtml http://www.chickenmcnugget.com/pics/bushkerry.htm And yes they impeached Clinton, but obviously your memory doesn`t go back that far. He was impeached but not convicted. And as for his valid point, well if you are all going to repeat yourselves what can I say? Clinton gets impeached(but not convicted) for a BJ and why doesn`t bush get impeached for stealing an election from kerry and disenfranchising black voters. So basically you think that it is o
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