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Everything posted by Mantas

  1. Originally Posted By: thursday That's right, I run away from tackles. Did you play for England?
  2. I have 3 brothers and we all get on well. I wouldn't say we were close but we all have a good laugh when we get together. BTW I've broken 3 bones, dislocated a thumb, had stitches to the forehead and football is for poofs.
  3. Good one mate. So climbing at night is a popular way of doing it hey? How many other people were at the top?
  4. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Over the years I have cracked it with both of my brothers - one for wasting his life on the wacky weed, and the other for being a self centered git and ignoring my child's birthday. Pretty harsh MB. I wouldn't have a clue when all my nephews and nieces birthdays are. I've even forgot my wifes. (and my own for that matter) Birthdays, card, presents....it's not in my portfolio. After all, I'm only a man.
  5. I surfed Cimaja back in 86. It was a nice spot back then but the wave itself wasn't worth the 30 hour overland trip from Bali. Not many other waves in that area were known at that time other than Ombak Tujuh. There was no one in the water though other than a few visitors from Jakarta on the weekend. I just booked a month in Indo next year. June/July. I fly into Jakarta and have a one week leave pass to go chase waves before I meet the family in Bali. I've been looking at West Java as an option, it's a shame you didn't get swell Spook to give it a good review. I'd be happy to go b
  6. Rain coming and loads of it A few degrees colder and it would be another dump
  7. You need to pay top dollar if you want to experience surface lifts. Come to Oz. We have hundreds of them.
  8. Originally Posted By: TJ OZ Aussie resorts are getting absolutely puked on at the moment with even more to come over the next couple of days. Better late than never I say. Sets the resorts up for a good spring now. Que Mantas. Next week in Thredders for me.
  9. I heard that the 63cm shaft was necessary because two of the miners would not fit up a smaller shaft. I also heard that they have quite a lot of space to roam around in.
  10. Looks awesome Spook. What was the marine life like? Many other fish around?
  11. Puppy satays Mmmmm...Did you get sick Spook (hangovers aside) or is your stomach tuned in to it all now? Here's a photo of an open air style butchers in Krui market . I'd say it's pretty typical of any meat market in Indonesia or anywhere in the third world for that matter. The funny thing is, most people would be shocked to know that even the poshest restaurant in town would get it's meat from here.
  12. I love the way the cart pushers yell it out. Baksoooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!
  13. I don't think you need to worry too much 2 pints. Pubs might be getting a bit more uba stylish around the big cities but in little country towns like where my in-laws live, nothing has changed. Besides in Brigg, a town of just 5000 people, there are 19 pubs. It will take some time to change all them, if ever.
  14. Wow, a month is a long time to be hanging out up there Spook. You must have seen some cool stuff. Looking forward to hearing more.
  15. Nice area Spook. Hope you get Ombak tujuh cranking. I want to spend some time there again. There's a hell of a lot more to Indo than Kuta hey. Pete, not worried about the waves over east, just wondering if there were some nice places to hang with the family.
  16. What's it like over on the east coast? Any good places to hang out there?
  17. Originally Posted By: Schneebored England has its issues, but I still prefer a Chav over a Bogan. A bogan might bathe a bit more regularly.
  18. Originally Posted By: thursday Originally Posted By: Mantas Some crackers up where my in laws are too. Ones where you bang your head on the rafters. I love English pubs, but that's where my love affair with England ends. You don't like England much do you Mantas. It's a great place to visit thurs. The things I don't like about England have nothing to do with the weather or the people. I love the people, there's just too many of them. 60 million crammed onto that little island. It probably doesn't bother most people there but it's not 4 me.
  19. Some crackers up where my in laws are too. Ones where you bang your head on the rafters. I love English pubs, but that's where my love affair with England ends.
  20. Originally Posted By: panhead_pete W Sadly 50 other people had the same idea. So over it, I don't think I'll ever surf the peninsula again. I have too many fond memeories of 'the good ol days' when there were only a handful of surfers in the water.
  21. Bloody nomad! What about the mortgage and the 2.3 kids?
  22. Lets face it. There is a long list of Brittish things that are erroding away. Eventually every country is going to end up looking the same as each other. At least they are not full of gaming machines yet.
  23. Nice one mate. A part of the UK I've not seen yet.
  24. The whole tipping practice has been explained to me many times, usually sprouting these two main reasons. 1) Waiters wages are very low, therefore tipping is required. Sooo... why is it up to the customer to make up the short fall in wages? That's an issue between the employer and the employee. 2) You get better service when you tip well. Shouldn't good service be a mandatory part of the job description? Personally I couldn't care less if the waiter polished my shoes and gave me a neck rub or the food came out on a conveyor belt.
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