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Everything posted by snowboarding-sam

  1. I got one that was apparently coming from my married friend (it used his name in the Name field). The subject line was: "Please confirm asap - sex with my wife tomorrow night"
  2. Well yes but you would think that a chain of hotels would keep some kind of quality level with their properties no matter how old they were? No??
  3. So is the quality of the Prince Hotels really variable? I remember thinking the Naeba one was a bit 70's....
  4. Me too, I get totally freaked when I have to go to the dentist. Hate it hate it hate it.
  5. Thats sad soubriquet. Is there nothing you can do? It must make you very angry & tired.
  6. I bet they hate that "ducking ropes" in the swimming pool as well, though, sunrise. I like to go swimming, problem is I don't live close to a pool I can get to so it's a bit of a hassle.
  7. Do a bit of jogging myself. But it in now way comes even close to the joy of boarding. Can't say I particularly enjoy it.
  8. Got to say, I saw very little of patrol where I went as well. Hardly noticed them at all coming to think of it.
  9. The costs are worth it for me definitely, it's just opened things up so much more than before. Love having the car.
  10. I might just do that, thanks! Must be good living there with so much choice. Faves of the area?
  11. How far are you from Hakkai san muikabochi? I might be on for checking it out next season.
  12. I had noticed it when I've been there and wondered why it was never used, I thought it was part of the resort. Still snow at the bottom there, that surprises me.
  13. I feel pretty much the same. Some days you just want to be anonymous.
  14. Never seen any actually. Is the sakura fubuki supposed to be cool for a guy?
  15. Thanks for the posts. I'm considering going back home (for a few weeks) just a bit earlier than I planned.
  16. I just found out last night that my parents are getting divorced. Talk about an unexpected shock to the system.... I would never have imagined it. Any folks been through that kind of thing.
  17. I'm no expert but took a few lessons at the beginning to get going fairly quickly and glad I did it.
  18. Probably around 200K for me. I'd be interested to hear the adventures of the over 1m guy/gal?!
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