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Everything posted by iiyamadude

  1. Decent snow but I would say nozawa pretty much beats it on any given day - due to it being higher and in the same region. But decent in peak season.
  2. Not all of those courses are Kijimadaira. But it is joined up and has a joint ticket with Makinoiri Snow Park which is the area to the right as you look at the mountain from Nozawa.
  3. Are you saying that you can be out and about in terrible humidity and not sweat much? Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming!!
  4. Certainly no new lifts in the places I know. A fair few places have lifts that they no longer operate just standing there. Some licks of paint and facilities improvements going on in some places but nothing major that I know of.
  5. Serious topic honest! There's a guy in our office who smells. Almost daily. It's like a mix of sweat and sometimes even excrement, like there's some on his clothes of something. When he walks past, you get a more than a hint waft past you and it is quite unpleasant. Some days it is worse than others, but there's always something there. Everyone knows this and he seems to have a reputation about it as you would, but he doesn't. Or he doesn't care. Apart from the issues, I get on with him ok and feel the need to try and do something about it.... and that's what I'm trying to get
  6. Ryuo is a decent place. Not huge but the snow is usually excellent up there and it never seems to get busy. Kijimadaira doesn't have the snow conditions of Ryuo but has that steep (if somewhat) short course. Both worth a try. There are a few smaller resorts dotted around that little area but those two are the best of the bunch.
  7. Yeah just right that. My favorite temperature zone is 14-20.
  8. My local ramen shop. My negi miso chashu last week was 800 yen. Last night it was 960 yen.
  9. What on earth are you guys talking about?
  10. Water and 100 juice with a bit of cold teas added in. Yum.
  11. That rice pudding looks good rach. My grans was the best. Boy was that rich.
  12. I just love koi carp, especially the colored ones. Could watch them for ages. There's a house up the road from me and they have a pond at the front with about 20 in there. Huge colourful things they are my friend says they are worth a fortune.
  13. So you like Burton, tsondaboy? Do worms come in tins?
  14. That sounds late, they were done here a month ago.
  15. When are you thinking it will be jack? The promised powder snow will almost definitely show up if it is in the main season. Like Mamabear and MikePow said, other places well worth a visit. You have a lot of reading to do my friend Take a few weeks off work and read through the posts here etc. Apart from the occasional flames that arise, it should mostly be very informative for you! About moving around. Shiga Kogen and Nozawa are about an hour from each other, so it is not a huge trip to fit those two in.
  16. Quote: To make a statement that shiga is 10 times larger than those resorts is plain false. Yes, it would be.... if anyone made such comments, which as far as I can see, they didn't. (Not even close) Quote: (Why cant I comment back)? I don't know (and I don't know what you mean). Anyway, it is just futile, so I'm out. Cheers.
  17. A few of them are small yes, but isn't Hakuba Minekata, Hakuba Highland and Yanaba? They are tiny places and a few more in the valley are hardly huge. You haven't been over to Yakebitaiyama area? Enough said. (Of course, mikeeds, it is difficult to say even the slightest thing that isn't raving about Hakuba these days without getting shot down either by people with interests in the place or best mates who do. Just remember to keep that in mind. Check the comments that will inevitably follow my post here for evidence....).
  18. Quote: Just like Shiga, Hakuba is a huge area with so many resorts in the valley. Shiga Kogen - about 20, mostly connected Hakuba - about 10, mostly unconnected
  19. It is a national park area and there are strict restrictions on building & noise.
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