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Everything posted by eskimobasecamp

  1. hahahaha brilliant, i loved how the opening section of the video was tracked out pow?! what the hell? looks like just pure powder field and trees type of skiing, with zero features, the guy got so bored he looked around at the camera man a couple of times, just to check he was still filming and hadnt snoozed off. looks super deep yeah, but for sure you can ski powder like that in hakuba, absolutely. i haven't been to niseko, i'm sure it's fun if you don't end up in a bar brawl... but i think the point is that hakuba is right in the middle of a range of real alpine peaks reaching arou
  2. don't think there are any glacier areas, but some areas hold snow well into the summer, dependent on how much snow fell in the winter, and weather etc. after the big winter last season, there was still snow at daiseki in the hakuba peaks all summer. but you couldn't really guarantee that as an annual event, even less ski on it all year round. but yeh like soub said, pockets of snow up high, yeh.
  3. nice pic AK was on form this weekend, scandi banter, dope dj-ing (fleetwood mac oh yeh), and the riding wasn't bad either. quote of the weekend: "vart hanger alla snyggingar ikvall?" smorgassboardenvordenmordenjaaaa!
  4. when the dude got taken for a ride down the ski hill on the chair, i almost choked on my ice cream...... classic! looks pretty dope, wouldn't mind a go!! but ummmm someone could have gotten injured bad, bit suspicious that there were no people skiing at the time those chairs went flying down the hill ha ha.
  5. saturday looks like a possible washout, though i'm game cause it will probably be wet snow on the hill like last weekend.... sunday is looking to be a bluebird
  6. hope you get the conditions you want for the big mountains dizzy... enjoy the time with your family too i've got a headache and sore throat too, sucks eh.
  7. there's some broken nordic jumping skis scattered around my school, they might do. are u kidding, no i'm not using pontoons in the park - just used them for the tri modal comp, because we were led to believe there would be a pond of water at the bottom of the course.... and i wanted to go water skiing shane mcconkey style.
  8. hahaha i just PM'd him asking the same question, looks like a nice photoshop job there... cranked up some saturation or adjusted the hue kuma? we made a good effort on the fluro front this weekend too..... http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/1/7667.html#000006
  9. NOOOO stuntcok you missed the snowblade park sessions, that was 2 weeks ago at 47........ were you there??...... i was the girl snaking the blader posse on the kickers and winking at the guy with the radio co-ordinating them. wicked sounds like we are getting a crew together from some shreddin, BUT....... from now it's all about maxi-shred, you have to haul ass in the park on the biggest skis you can find. trust me, it's a winner..... yesterday TEAM SWEET RIDERS won 2 categorties in the tri modal challenge on happo - 2nd prize for team time, and 1st prize for best costumes. kare
  10. Quote: Originally posted by Kumapix: the pipe is finished at 47. the tsugaike park is better overall and there's less attitude there too u reckon? i quite like the atmosphere in the 47 park, pretty chilled. yeh shame the pipe is done, i was just getting into at the end of the season. anyway - looking forward to the park sessions next weekend, let's hope for good weather and take some nice food up.
  11. see you there bro i can do a day at 47 & a day at tsugaike for park... if that sounds snosk8tastic to u? i think the pipe is done at 47, but still kickers on the go. lookin forward to the last blast with ya ben!
  12. exactly at 3pm? singapore sounds hot, you're right, i wouldn't be that into it.
  13. haha what?! my house is really exposed, and what are the chances?!! this happened in summer, when there are tons of thunder storms all the time, never seen them in winter before until this season. ps - there are earthquakes in japan, and lots of tall buildings in tokyo where you live
  14. YEHHH crash bang!!! Put it this way... it sounded like a plane exploding about 3m above my head, all the electricity went out, lots of "energy" in the room, the lightening came at the same time as the thunder, and i literally threw myself to the floor screaming..... the storms are monumental here, so powerful, booming off the mountains. The one the other day (not that powerful compared to others) made my house shake. ArrRRgggGHHhh, i HATE thunder & lightening, it scares the shit out of me.
  15. my house got sizzzzzled 2 summers ago, fkn scary stuff, the storms in this valley are phenomenal sometimes
  16. Quote: Originally posted by daver: happy to add a little northern flavor to this rather hakuba centered forum. yehh really good to see some stoke from up north, nice one daver club fields ---- sweeeet as!!! that's cool
  17. heeej heeeeej let me know if you do, i have a tsugaike pass too
  18. king - hahahahahahahahaha yeh i saw you, i remember your green & white jacket, my mate and i were on the lift behind you up to the virgin cafe..... and i was making a face at her as she came through the ticket gate (damn slowboarders), but she was just behind you, so it probably looked like i was looking at you lol. you were with some other dude right? glad you had a good day up there. ps - doing moguls is ANYTHING but sensibe, what were you thinking? kuma - i dont attract boys by scowling at them, i just do things that make them fight amongst each other (this apparently actually
  19. Quote: Originally posted by Tesselator: I don't agree with that at all. If for example you want reconciliation of some kind (money or services) and IF they didn't want to give it to you - making a scene - is the fastest way to get your way (in Japan). yep!!! just ask dizzzzzy!!!! lol
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