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Everything posted by bettyx

  1. hi sanno, i did some private babysitting last year at happo, generally in the hotel rooms but also spent time playing outside, & in the kids playroom at goryu. this was handy as i hung out with an infant while her parents skiied, then they came back to have lunch together, etc. i was being paid 1500 per hour, i think that was the going rate for an english-speaking babysitter at the time. not sure who will be around this year, though. did you want them english speaking?
  2. whoa, you gotta be careful buying something like a handbag for a girl. unless it's an LV & you know she loves brands or whatever, you don't want to go messing with that kinda stuff. i mean, a handbag is to be used everyday so if she doesn't like it, she's never going to use it & yr going to wonder why the hell you blew so much money on a gift for no reason. on the other hand, if you choose well, it's something she can use everyday & she'll always think of you, especially if people comment on it, etc. gift certificates& money are handy but boring. plus, if yr not
  3. hmm..anyone know if the goryu/47 pass can be used at night? or do they have a specific night pass?
  4. wow. you really do learn something new every day. i thought you all hiked up with your skis slung over yr shoulder or something. is glue like real glue, or is that the name of the latch bit? because if you put glue on yr skis, aren't you going to have to re-wax them or something? aaah to know something about winter life..
  5. *yawn* yeah it's slick but nothing really new.. would like to see a hard copy, possibly a longer read than tokyo classified, or whatever the little mag is called.
  6. haha.. hmm..does a skin attach to yr skis or boots or something? man, i need a -20 sleeping bag here in matsumoto! i'm afraid of electric blankets & don't wanna pay 2000 yen for a hot water bottle.
  7. i don't get it.. you camp out overnight? in the snow? call me girly, but isn't it FREEZING cold? or does the 600yen whiskey keep you warm? & what's a skin? ps. looks like so much fun!
  8. i saw canadian band death from above 1979 in melbourne on a trip home not too long back. they were very loud. (surprisingly so, for just two guys). good show, though. however the drummer was a bit bitchy, which wasn't cool. someone mistook him for an american & he wasn't happy.
  9. totally. no-one ever wants to sit next to me if i'm by myself. what's with these people?
  10. ok was waaay too excited to find my little car was completely white this morning. had no idea what to do (i'm yet to invest in a brush) but was singing my way too school. news says the first snow is 19days earlier than 2004, how sweet is that? & they say nozawa onsen will be open for business on the 26th!
  11. nice work! hmm.. people actually ski in jeans in oz. it's always funny as it's only the beginners who do it, y'know, 'nah, i don't need fancy pants', but they're the ones who spend half the day on their asses. (they probably spend the other half of the day trying to peel the wet jeans off?)
  12. hahaha.. i noticed this place can get a little heavy with the testosterone.. just saw hakuba on the news. does this mean you've gotta change yr tyres already?
  13. yeah, actually, some of the goryu staff passes can only be used at goryu. i found this out the hard way, when i went down to 47 & suddenly couldn't get back to escal for my free hagen daaz!! most of them cover both, though.
  14. wow, that's really pretty. i'm forever marvelling at the autumn leaves, but that's quite an achievement. & yes, very becoming of the old chair!! (first time i've used the term 'becoming' in my whole life, i think? yet so suitable!)
  15. my problem is the battery runs out in no time flat. i bought a car adaptor & if i don't use it, the battery dies soo quickly. i miss my walkman. also, occasionally my itunes just swallows playlists, they totally just disappear with absolutely no deleting on my part. i expect they disappear into the mysterious appleland, where all the returned ipods go.
  16. love to hear it. might have to drive up for a look next weekend.
  17. snow already? in misorano?! sweet! thank you. i can go back to my kanji study content.
  18. umm.. my friend worked in hagen daaz @goryu. if it wasn't enough that she gave me free icecream, she also gave me her staff pass when i wanted it. but i think she's working elsewhere this year..
  19. anyone know if the goryu pass (or snowlove one) can be used at night? or is there just a nite pass? i may be up for some evenings & don't know if i can score a free pass again this year?
  20. hey i feel better today. thanks for the suggestions.. stealth, until i got bronchitis i was doing yoga & taichi about 6 times a week (i have a LOT of free time). as i'm still coughing all the time i can't attend, it's kinda distracting when everyone is getting all zen & i start having a coughing fit. so yeah, maybe by the end of the week i can go again. less than 30 days of work until my xmas holidays! hooray!
  21. 97 - see if you can find out why they don't like yellow rubbish bags. it seems to be on the news at least once a week.
  22. my favourite translation is konnyaku - devil's tongue, i think it is?
  23. what about a platypus? they were originally mistaken as a man-made creature, people thought somebody had sewn a ducks bill onto a cat or something. they lay eggs & yet also give milk (monotremes> one of only two in the world) & also have a poisonous spur. they're a damn mystery & i have no idea how they evolved/still survive. plus they were forever immortalized at aichi expo in that damn aussie pavillion where they featured a giant platypus larger than my entire house.
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