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Everything posted by soubriquet

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Thunderpants: "COULTER: We lost it because of broadcasters like Walter Cronkite going on and saying, "We're losing. We're losing. The red coats are coming. It's over." Demoralizing the American people, a Democratic Congress not backing our allies." We had the US military nightly on TV crowing over the daily several hundred body count. To qualify as Viet Cong you had to be dead and Vietnamese. The Tet offensive demonstrated that the US military were lying. Blind Freddie could see Vietnam was unwinnable, although it may have taken Cronkite to get the message a
  2. Quote: Originally posted by rahul bhatnagar: hello friends, my new earthquake predictions are- 1.there will be a strong earthquake in indonesia on 4 or 6 of august 2005 between 6.5 to 7.5 on richter scale. 2.there will be an earthquake in japan in eastern honshu on 4 or 8 of august 2005 of around 6 on richter scale. do check my predictions This is what the USGS reports: 3.5 2005/08/06 Central Alaska 2.5 2005/08/06 Northern California 4.8 2005/08/06 Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan 6.0 2005/08/06 Tonga 3.0 2005/08/06 Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Is., Alaska
  3. I have a sort of morbid fascination with someone who is so obnoxious, but I don't find it funny. But then only about 10% of Monty Python was funny. The rest was crap.
  4. Its a load of borrocks. Bert Rutan (Scaled Composites) has got into bed with Virgin (The Airline that doesn't go All The Way) to scale up their X-Prize effort. Rich people will be able to get themselves shot into space for a straight up and down ride, but they aren't going to be saving fuel, observing the forests or watching the eyerakis. To get into orbit you are going to have to be very rich, and the manned function of the shuttle will need to be replaced by a capsule system. The Space Elevator will be the key to the affordable orbit experience.
  5. I'd guess it means "Burn More Fuel". Reminds me of the closing scene from Dr Strangelove, with Slim Pickens riding the nuke into Moscow "Yee Haw..."
  6. Sure does. Gassan still has snow, and that's 300 metres ower.
  7. Here's a screen dump with some local areas. In the winter, the weather comes from the NW, straight down the valley. 10km south, they are in the shadow of Gassan, and get about 20% of the snow we do. Amazing micro (meso?) climate. But we get to see Chokai San on a clear day, like a magic mountain floating on the horizon
  8. Oishida/Obanazawa. About 30km north of Yamagata. About 50km from Onikobe and Zao, 30 from Jangle Jungle. There are a couple of nice little local spots much closer if I want to gets the legs working for a couple of hours. Circle work. My boys loved this. The time to clear the roof is when the doors no longer fit the frames. Get it wrong and this is what happens. I had already cleared it once.
  9. Nope. Don't have the legs anymore to guarantee the turns, and a big stack could put me in bed for a week. There's a steep drop to the left of the ridge down to the valley. To the right is a bowl with a higher peak behind. From memory the bowl is open trees. I'll have another look this winter.
  10. Did someone mention snow in Japan? We get a lot in Oishida. This is Onikobe, perfect after a big fall and a cold night. There must have been about 10 of us up the mountain.
  11. When they invent the good looking politician I guess. Hydrogen fuel cells seem to offer the best solution for transport, but the transformation of infrastructure to supply and store it is meeting with understandable resistence. It would be cool to have a linear motor in the swinging arm and a rail in the wheel: no moving parts (except for the wheels). From the size of the front brake, I'd guess it makes about the same power as a Honda 50
  12. 36 degrees in Yamagata today. Hottest in Japan and we had a foehn. Banzai.
  13. From the tone of the comments from NASA, I'd say they are pretty confident of a successful return. Loss of tiles was a big issue for the early flights, and there is clearly a safety margin of allowable damage in non-critical areas. Funny isn't it. IMO the shuttle design is fatally flawed and the vehicle unsafe. I'd go tomorrow if NASA offered me a seat. WooHoo. I'm from near you scouser, grew up in the Midlands.
  14. Went for the swim a day early for the earthquake. We went to Onagawa. Visibility is about 20 feet, and the water just warm enough to be comfortable for 1/2 hour snorkelling in a rashie and budgie smugglers. Excellent. It is a ria coastline with forest covered mountains plunging into the ocean. Tiny fishing villages with gravel or sandy beaches anywhere there is space to pull boats out. Empty, with almost no tourist development. A superb coastline
  15. Thanks Mr W. A tactical victory and a strategic failure indeed. I take no pleasure from US losses, but the Navy was asleep. Thanks for your take. It is news to me, but I haven't been paying attention.
  16. 12yo son has twigged. Snowboarders spend more of their time lying in the snow than moving. Why don't you see snowboarders on the black runs Dad?
  17. I grew up near Coventry. The centre of the city was waste. Locals weren't concerned about Dresden or Hiroshima. My mother was happy because it meant my father wouldn't have to go to Asia after North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Moral decisions are easy in hindsight. They are different when you are fighting for your life.
  18. Precisely. They were being polite.
  19. Pearl Harbor wasn't insignificant. It was a brilliant tactical victory. It was a total humiliation for the US Navy, caught fast asleep in the middle of WWII at a time of heightened regional tension.
  20. Cant I ride on the outside edge of my right ski. The problem is a bow in my lower leg. The boots fit fine, best I've had, so I'll not interfere with them. Didn't want to make my skis handed, but I'm going to experiment with duct tape to get the wedge I want, then make one up in solid.
  21. Maybe I overstated. It is very subjective. Powder is what I skied in the French and Italian Alps. Knee deep fluff that felt like silk. The snow here is not like that, but there is always fresh snow, and it's not always heavy and wet. The best snow I've found was at Onikobe (Miyagi), which is north and east of me, so it's a little colder and drier. Akakura is my favourite local spot.
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