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Everything posted by muikabochi

  1. I have a similar problem. Though the finding keys thing can be useful.
  2. The booklet sent out to help us understand it all didn't help much did it. Talk about making a meal of explaining something!!
  3. Perhaps look for some work involving colour later in life?
  4. Summer like skies today here. Sunny, hot lots of cloud this afternoon but them adding to the scenery. Humid too. Forecast on Yahoo says 25 degrees, I reckon it was at least a few hotter than that.
  5. Heavy metal really can do your head in, according to doctors who treated a Motörhead fan with a blood clot on the brain caused by headbanging. The 50-year-old German man developed the condition after getting carried away at one of the rock band's concerts. German doctors say they treated the fan whose headbanging habit ultimately led to a brain injury, but that the risk to metal fans in general is so small they do not need to give up the shaking. This is the fourth documented case of subdural haematoma linked to headbanging – one of which proved fatal.
  6. I'd love to finish feeling I need to earn and just have tons of time to go round taking photos. I suppose I could at least try to make a few pennies off that, though don't know what the realistic chances are. And wouldn't want that to be any kind of pressure either. In summary, would like to be able to travel and take photos!
  7. Ah yes the Zao Onsen run was pretty gnarly. But the Ryuoo one beats it for length, narrowness at the top and turns. I'd like to go back when I'm feeling more 100%.
  8. Very common? I didn't realise. So it's not a status thing then, you don't need to be particularly well off? Or is everyone just well off over there?
  9. Looks like a cloudy.overcasty kind of start to the day here. I have to go to Tokyo early next week. I am really not looking forward to that.
  10. Yesterday, I actually noticed a dragonfly for the first time this year.
  11. Obviously, I left out Mt Granview because it was taken for granted! Where's your next-gnarliest, onehunga?
  12. 19th August キリンビール株式会社(社長 磯崎功典)は、今年で24年目を迎え、秋の定番ビールとして好評いただいている秋季限定ビール「キリン秋味」を、8月19日(火)から全国で発売します。 「キリン秋味」は、秋の味覚にふさわしい旬の食材とともに、じっくりと楽しんでいただけるコクと味わいが特長の、秋ならではの限定ビールです。発売品種は350ml缶、500ml缶、中びん、大びんの4品種です。 1991年に発売した「キリン秋味」は、当社通常ビールの約1.3本分の麦芽をたっぷりと使用し、アルコール度数は少し高めの6%と、味覚の秋にふさわしい、しっかりとしたコクと飲みごたえが楽しめるビールです。当社の調査でも、秋に楽しむビールには、「コク」や「味わい」「うまみ」といった味覚への期待や、旬の食材と一緒に楽しみたいといったニーズが一層高まる傾向にあります。「キリン秋味」は、こうした味覚ニーズをとらえた、秋に楽しみたいビールとして毎年高い評価をいただいており、今年も、旬の食材が豊富な秋にふさわしいこだわりのビールとして発売します。
  13. The one that comes to my mind is the one down from the Ropeway at Ryuoo Ski Park. That caused me (and my admiteddly weak knee that day) some problems. Seemed to cause everyone on the course problems too!!
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