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Everything posted by mfurmane

  1. Boy oh boy! Keep what up? Relax. I merely stated that NO catholic I know follows the strict stance of the Pope! Is your point that all Catholics in Africa follow these strict teachings and, therefore, the church is responsible for the aids problem within the Catholic community?
  2. I don't know anybody that follows all of it. I know some pretty strict catholics, well...they go to church every week, and they use birth control! Sinners I guess...
  3. I crocheted (sp?) a scarf when I was a kid....I think my mom wished I were a girl...I don't think crocheting is nearly as difficult as knitting though.
  4. Yeah, that Honduran dude seemed pretty cool...I heard some priest on CNN a couple nights back saying how he showed up to be the Keynote speeaker at some college ceremony and instead of giving a lecture he taught the entire audience some traditional Honduran song and dance routine! That's great! I have a feeling that Benedict XVI won't be around too long. Even his brother questions his ability to wake up everyday and do the job. And why is everybody concerned about his stance on things? Who really follows any of it anyway? Is it just because the third world wants Vatican money to
  5. Very elegantly put. "How wrong can a person be before they get tired of it?" I was wondering the same thing...
  6. Sorry...just noticed the prior post by HoRoTD. Ok...I will argue against his points. There are so many that are merely crap littered with latin "i know you are but what am I's." First and foremost, not only did Saddam offer to hold elections. HE DID. And when the voters showed up at the polls their ballots were already marked. Crazy! Regarding WMD: I enjoyed your speculation on this point. Intelligence Blunder yes. CONGRESS saw intelligence the same as our President and voted to go to war. Bad intelligence, not a story that was made up after the fact. Does this chai
  7. But you were happy when Saddam Hussein was doing these things with absolutely no foreseeable end. I am too old to get drafted.
  8. You are so full of hatred. Must be so tiring. Nonetheless, I will continue to respond to your anti-freedom comments as I really don't have much else to do. Information gathered by UN security inspectors does not constitute US intelligence and stop citing your biased reporters. Try distinguishing these writers' opinions/predictions/speculation from the facts and formulate your own opinion. Prather is a good scientist...but that is it. Ritter was a weapons inspector, yes, but if I recall he resigned becuase his personal opinions interfered with his ability to carry out his dut
  9. i was really good at push ups when i was like 12 years old and weighed about 70lbs....not so good anymore though...
  10. Sure, I was pissed off. But, it is different when your own social fabric is attacked and friends have been directly effected by it.
  11. Ocean11...sorry for the misdirection. Dims...I agree that the definition of a good leader includes being a uniter. It is too bad that one effect of recent US actions is such domestic and global divisiveness. This, I am not proud of. I do accept it though and hope it is temporary. I assert that the war was not "carried out" under false pretenses, but rather shoddy intelligence. The international community seems to cease its investigation at "false pretenses" because this is what they want to hear. Congress, which is made up of bipartisan individuals, saw the same intelligence the
  12. Plucky - good luck with your secession. It is surely a novel concept that has never ever been advanced with utter failure before. Someone whom "...finally got to watch a little TV when [he] was in Anchorage this weekend..." must really be in tune with reality. PS did you have a chance to eat at Jack Sprat when you were recently in Girdwood? Good grub! ocean11 - congratulations in recognizing that a monopoly equals profits for the company. You fail to acknowledge however that competition laws (look it up you seem to have zero legal knowledge and maybe too much Gordon Prather) are to
  13. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Sorry Furm, you're not sufficiently qualified to talk to me. Like I said, go and educate yourself. Awe...another snit? Sorry oh great one.
  14. Yeah, that's a great video. I hear it's topping the charts too. Regarding NOPEC: Encouraging OPEC to play by the fundamental princples of free market economics seems like a good thing to me. Ocean11, there is no mask. Nobody is hiding anything from you. You guys are great. The beauty of this entire thing is that we are all allowed to disagree and even express our own views in an open forum.
  15. Darn convincin' 34...first hand knowledge or just what you know from watchin' them Duke boys on that there TV?
  16. I hope to think that nobody agrees with war. It unfortunately is, however, part of our reality. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I am done here. If you muster up any worthwhile description of W's "threat," I would love to hear it because I strongly believe that Mr. Bush is partaking in the very difficult task of making this world a better place for all of us to live. 10-4
  17. good banter. You had no explanation as to W's global threat though. I see your point...news originating from a source called "antiwar.com" must be the most objective source out there. Careful, I wouldn't drink the punch they send you with your "membership kit." Your liberal idealism is about as annoying as my avatar...poop.
  18. Ocean11.... Please explain the global threat that you say Bush is. In one case, Chemical Ali murdered over 100,000 Kurds at the direction of Saddam Hussein. I believe these actions amounted to a global threat. I would offer that someone that sees otherwise is plainly ignorant. Your conclusive statements are comical. Also...which media outlet do you propose I look to for accuracy?
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