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me jane

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by me jane

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: You dont think different cities are known for certain foods - America is the same, isnt it? Georgia Peaches, Florida Oranges ~ No? Ah, but would you go to Florida with the expressed purpose of eating "delicious oranges"?
  2. You know what would be really cool - if we could add threads to a "my favourites", have SJ constantly running in the task bar and then have a little window pop up in the bottom of our screens when someone added to the tread. It would be just like messenger!
  3. I sent away for a postal vote form a few weeks ago but haven't heard anything back.
  4. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: Gaijins with Japanese names sound funnier than Japanese with foreign names. What about girl-gaijins? In a few years I'll be a Mizuguchi. Going to live in the UK though.
  5. Maybe SJ could let us have an avatar competition?
  6. Well on the first page I was very left wing... then on the second I was right of centre. Apparently I should be reading the Guardian too. I guess the Daily Yomiyuri and Japan Times just don't cut it!
  7. Yeah, sorry. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> I just found it!
  8. Been pretty slack recently though and haven't posted for a while. Have had to work at work
  9. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&e=1&u=/nm/20050425/ts_nm/japan_train_dc
  10. I don't know. I've never heard anyone say "outside in" except my dad - he's Scottish.
  11. Gamera, for "back and face" we usually say "back to front" or just "backwards". When you have the label on the outside its "inside out"
  12. Thanks Gamera. No, I don't have problems opening pdf files - it's just that they take ages and I'm not very patient!!
  13. ahhh... Frannyo!! Twas pdf file! Gamera, I used to live in Saga. Haven't called anyone yet though for the same reason.
  14. I just heard there was an earthquake (Factor 6 on The J-scale)in Fukuoka. http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050320-00000003-yom-soci Anyone down that way?
  15. I know a guy who met quite a few Japanese girls that way. Made for a few good nights from what I hear but nothing ever came of them and he's back in Britain now. If you think about it I guess it's no more dangerous/wierd than going home with someone you've just met in the pub. Not that any of us would ever consider doing such a thing...
  16. yep, don't sleep with your head to the north cos that's the way that dead bodies are laid out during their wakes.
  17. Sakebomb, Sapporo, going to a language school there. An aussie surfer whose only experience of snow is the slush that lands in Tokyo from time to time. I'll be sure he gets his initiation...
  18. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> Southern Comfort makes me cry. Sake gives me hangovers so bad that it hurts to even think about lifting my head from the pillow. Vodka is best. (Shouchu if funds are running low)
  19. You're right Gamera. It must be hard to be patient but I guess that's part of being a parent.
  20. Hokkaido Going for a whole week!! One of my friends is moving up there so we're packing the car and taking the ferry up. Gonna be quite busy helping him sort out his new apartment & stuff but hopefully get a few days on the mountain
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