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Everything posted by sakebomb

  1. Cheers sava, I will check with the local post office with the anticipation of the "what the f*#k are you talking about" look on the postoffice staffs face.
  2. Yeh, I got the obon "don't go near the beach" talk as well. I am more afraid of the garbage there than any vengeful spirit!!
  3. I saw it a Hokuren Supa and Tsushima around here!! Maybe try them!
  4. Sava, there isn't any agents around here that I can find!! Damn. Gamera, I thought about paypal but they are a bit iffy! Thanks Guys!!
  5. OK, another question. What service is best for transfering money from Australia (in this case)? I am tired of getting shafted with fees and am looking around for something that isn't going to leave me walking funny!! Recommendations, what do other people do? Cheers
  6. Occasionally I have those days where I can't find my sunglasses because they are on my head!!
  7. Has anyone here been to Drumheller? A Japanese friend of mine is heading over there in a couple of weeks and is having trouble finding info in Nihongo (well limited info). I have found a lot of info in English, looks cool, wish I could go with him! Anyone have any recommendations, things to see, places to eat/not to eat etc. Any info would be cool!! Cheers SB
  8. That felt strong up here, on the TV it said it was 6.8 in Miyagiken I think!
  9. Some people often compare Otaru to Hakodate, I'm not sure if that is a good comparison as I haven't really spent alot of time in Otaru. You can always find your fun. Get to know people and they will show you a good time regardless of how big the place is. But like you said Sapporo is close by (about an hour by car?).
  10. Brisbane, Australia. Lucky bastard got a holiday! How is BrisVegas treating you Yama?
  11. I would like a device that mutes all loud speaker that are used during elections, selling washing poles and the arsehole who drives around at 6am trying to sell squid as loud as he can!! Please hurry because I think I am going to kill him soon!!
  12. Quote: Boags and Cascade are worth a try I'll second that!!
  13. Dude, Your prediction for Indonesia was 6.5 to 7.5 on the richter scale was close but no apples, granted that the prediction for Japan was closer I wouldn't say they were correct, almost isn't correct! But keep up the work and maybe one day you will have a break through inyour prediction method
  14. Not that I have tasted many but those that I have eaten have been dissapointing!
  15. I would have to agree with happyhappy on this one!
  16. I know this is a bit rude but would anyone have a Gmail invite they would like to donated to me? I would be forever in your debt, well if you came to town I would buy you a beer at least Cheers in advance SB!!
  17. Good luck Dims, it was limited edition, I have seen a few for sale but they are damn expensive. I will be keeping mine!
  18. You would probably have to be a fan but the TOOL- Salival DVD is pretty cool!
  19. I have seen some of his stuff on Amazon Japan but mainly books, you could try MoMA Japan they have a lot of stuff!
  20. That has crossed my mind, there are plenty of bored yummy mummys around
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