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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by happyhappy

  1. It's exactly the poll I wanted. I'm happy with it.
  2. Let us know when you have more, sounds encouraging. I have heard a few stories in my neighbourhood of someone being packed off to another area when something like this happens (like this meaning distasteful, something they cant prove etc). I wonder if that happened here.
  3. My apologies, I wasn't meaning to be taking digs. Sorry sorry. It's just that people seem to be talking about something else, not what I use, which is fine. But -- it really doesn't matter, does it!
  4. I also often have a number of tabs open - sometimes as many as 5 or 6. No slowness here mate.
  5. You know, I don't know how much it is back home!!! I will find out next month.
  6. My 2+ year old notebook must just be a super computer then. (And yours must be rubbish!) (Or, your just talking rubbish!)
  7. Quote: IE7 just blows while trying to open a new tab. Are you using a Sinclair ZX80? It probably takes less than a small fraction of a second to open BBC news for me.
  8. Yes I know that no real website developers use Front Page, but lots of people making websites themselves do.
  9. I saw Indy. Wasn't impressed. Just OTT action. Stick to Raiders and Last Crusade, best memories.
  10. You can easily use Front Page and not use Extensions. In fact, I'd bet most people do.
  11. 2 of Fattwins posts from two different threads today: Quote: This is Japan where you go to jail for as long as it takes to get something out of you! and Quote: Japan has come out of the dark ages! (Before I get jumped this is NOT a critisism of Fattwins, just a very interesting contrast).
  12. I loved Hong Kong when I went. I was just such a mad mix of so many things, sensory overload. I don't think I would want to live there, but that's true of any huge city. But I really liked it. It is definitely worth a visit.
  13. You are certainly not the only one who has to put up with idiots like that an mouthing off on t'inta.
  14. Interesting comments thanks. I agree with lots of them and it's a delicate situation and hard to know exactly what to do/say. We're all going out for a drink this coming week so I may bring it up then in a relaxed and 'fun' atmosphere, as opposed to some serious talk.
  15. You'd wonder who actually took these telesales people up on their amazing offers. I for sure wouldn't hear them out.
  16. Yeah I know about the racism to different people etc, I was hoping this thread might be more a 'how to deal with situations like I had today' rather than 'are Japanese racist', if you see what I mean.
  17. I know my local area pretty well in terms of what there is and seeing them, but I'm not well up on history and things like that. I find that lots of things here are really tucked away and difficult to actually find rather than be told about them and go.
  18. OK I have just been in a meeting at work and there were a few new people as well as a few from a company that my company does business with. I didn't have much to do in the meeting apart from be there and make a few points at the beginning. Nearer the end it became more relaxed and a few of the new people started coming out with you know the usual fairly harmless but tiring gaijin comments (one told me that 'all gaijin eat cornflakes for breakfast' - not ask me of course, tell) but then it descended into this gaijin discussion and a few pretty racist remarks were made. It all ma
  19. iPhone Finally Coming to Japan Courtesy of Softbank thats about all the info
  20. Zermatt, Hong Kong, Japan - exotic desu ne, Mamabear. I'm off to Switzerland this summer actually.
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