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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 69

  1. One year, I want to hit 69. I'll have to make do with 9 though this time.
  2. Plum flavored kakinotani. Brilliant.
  3. I read an article yesterday somewhere that basically said that people travelling on stolen passports is not that uncommon and not a sure sign that it's terro.
  4. pie-eater is a true supporter!
  5. Trying to lose weight. Raw kabu. It's really nice actually.
  6. I think that would be too sickly for me. I like sweet but there's a limit. I like creamy kind of chocolate myself. Had some 97% or some mad percentage cocoa chcocolate once. It was bloody awful.
  7. I bet has has trimmed it though. Nice white teeth. Obviously he doesn't drink coffee or red wine!
  8. Yes, I should have elaborated. Very good point of course.
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